Week Ahead Transits 13th - 19th February

Weekly Astro Forecast for February 13 – 19
All times calculated for PST: UTC -08:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here
Sun = 20° 20’ Aquarius > 0° 23’ Pisces
Moon = Scorpio > Pisces
This week the major planetary transits have us feeling into our subconscious selves, delving into the ethereal inner worlds of the watery moon. We start the week with the moon in Scorpio and end with the New Moon in Pisces at 1°22’. Venus and Neptune link up in Pisces on Wednesday, erupting our hearts with deeply sentimental moments. Repair and restore the heart through art, music and dance. The Sun conjuncts Saturn midweek, creating innovative and actionable instructions on how to build towards our dreams. This may first come as a temporary roadblock, restriction, or a pause but allow this to be a moment for illumination rather than a hinderance. On Saturday the Sun moves into Pisces, opening the well of deep wisdom to pour through just before the New Moon in Pisces thrusts us into the sweet surrender of dreamtime bliss.
Monday 13th
Today the Moon moves into Sagittarius after quite a bit of aspects initiating insights. There is a lot of energy that is building within, and it can feel like we are bursting at the seams, restless, waiting for the green light to share our opinions and ideals. Once the Moon moves into Sagittarius, we get a sense of relief and release!
Moon trine Venus, trine Neptune, square Sun, square Saturn, sextile Pluto, Voc*, Moon > Sagittarius at 5:31pm.
Tuesday 14th
So many conversations, so little time, with the Moon sextile Mercury and trine Jupiter in a harmonious flow, we can expect a lot of mental stimulation peaking our need for deep conversations around politics, religion and beliefs. Things get weird and we open wormholes into new dimensions, follow the rabbit through to the other side, it might lead you to some exciting new terrain.
Moon sextile mercury, trine Jupiter, trine Chiron, opposite Mars.
Wednesday 15th
This is a sweet day with Venus and Neptune making contact in Pisces. We learn to balance our needs with those of other and to explore fantasies around love and the future. Watch for unexpected emotions and desires to emerge seemingly out of the blue which the Moon conjunct Uranus, and Mercury making a square to the NN, there is potential for comforts to sidetrack us away from the course of action.
Moon conjunct Uranus, Moon > Capricorn at 9:00 pm. Venus conjunct Neptune. Mercury square NN* in Taurus.
Thursday 16th
The feeling of entrapment in any given circumstance is an eye opening experience that allows us to understand our instinctual responses and identify if any of those instinctual reactions are in alignment with our goals or not. How do you navigate obstacles in life? Where did you first learn this tactic? Is it supportive or a hinderance? This is a great day to evaluate whether you are reacting from a balanced and well managed space or from a habitual and unconscious mind.
Moon trine NN, square Jupiter, square Chiron, trine Uranus. Sun conjunct Saturn.
Friday 17th
Deep emotional stirrings come up within relationships. A re-patterning begins and a new neuropathway is opened. Check in the nervous system today as the Moon moves into Aquarius, we can feel less grounded switching from earth to air can get the transmission signals crossed. There’s a LOT to talk about with Mercury and Jupiter in air and fire signs making contact. We feel the pressure to make sense of and answer to some of life’s most unusual questions.
Moon sextile Neptune, sextile Venus, conjunct Pluto, Voc, Moon > Aquarius at 9:34 pm. Mercury sextile Jupiter.
Saturday 18th
The themes are compassion, care and understanding. We move through a universe of emotions throughout the day, noticing the intricacies and details of our inner world. Making connections with friends and the social collective is a tedious task with so many moving pieces. If you’re feeling the need to quiet the mind and chatter, take some time offline today to center and ground because the Sun ingresses into introspective Pisces and excess noise can make it hard to hear.
Moon square NN, sextile Jupiter, conjunct Mercury, sextile Chiron, square Uranus, trine Mars. Sun > Pisces at 2:34 pm.
Sunday 19th
We build the narrative around our inner realms to make sense of it all. Sitting with the stillness of silence through a meditative practice can be very calming today as the New Moon in Pisces pulls us into ourselves. The Moon and Saturn together earlier in the day force us into a quiet solitude. Spend time writing, visualizing, singing, connecting with your own divine creative self. Feel the spark of intuition enliven your soul.
Moon conjunct Saturn, Voc, > Pisces at 8:55 pm. New Moon Pisces 1°22’ at 11:05pm. Venus sextile Pluto.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node
Written by: Evelyn Zuel