Sun Enters Pisces

Sun enters Pisces
18th PST 14:35 / 19th AEDT 9:35
The sun enters mystical, mutable Pisces, the final sign of the zodiac. Pisces is associated with all that is spiritual, transcendent, and divine. And, much like Divinity, something so vast and incomprehensible that it defies all our feeble attempts to interpret it, we tend only to be able to define what Pisces is by what it is not. We resort to terms like boundaryLESS or limitLESS. Pisces is BEYOND these things, and yet, it also, somehow, INCLUDES these things.
While the sun is in Pisces, we are given an opportunity to tap into our own numinous nature. This offer may come as a surprise. One minute we’re going about our normal day, and the next, a curious encounter finds us with a choice to make: do we continue on with our regularly scheduled lives, or do we take a leap of faith and challenge what we believe is possible?
A favorite fantasy novel trope is one where the characters, generally children hovering at the precipice of adulthood, are dangerously close to losing touch with (or adopting a cynical attitude towards) their own imagination. It’s only through enchanted experience (a journey into the realm on the other end of the wardrobe, for example) that they reconnect to their magical powers or creative capacity. Similarly, Pisces season is an invitation to reestablish your personal relationship to enchantment, and the good news is that most of us will not have to embark on a dangerous quest to make this happen!
The truth is that the universe is always speaking to us, in quiet, but potent, ways. Synchronicities, signs, and symbols call out to those who are naturally inclined to wonder and awe. Nature provides instructions and numbers deliver messages. Yet, even the most scientific among us will give some credence to concepts like string theory, a mathematical model which postulates that the very act of observance has a hand in shifting reality. If energy flows where attention goes, then bringing our focus to our desires during Pisces season, whether it is an art practice, a romantic connection, or a career objective, can directly affect the outcome of these pursuits. No pushing, no force. By simply resting our minds upon the process of unfoldment without arrogantly trying to assert “what something means”, or “how something should be”, we sync into rhythm with divine timing.
And yet, Pisces season requires us to walk a tightrope. This is a season of escapism, daydreaming, and avoidance. Too much wishful thinking can leave us vulnerable to disillusion and disappointment. We might be mystical beings, but we are having a human experience, rooted in the here and now. When we check out of reality, we are no longer co-creating with the universe. It is only by staying present that we are able to shape our everyday experiences into a form that is more vivid, compelling, and joyful.
Written by Nyssa Grazda