Week Ahead Transits 27th March - 2nd April

Weekly Astro Forecast for March 27 - April 2
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Sun = Aries 6° 20’ - 13° 15’
Moon = Gemini > Virgo
This week we meet with the 2 and 3 of wands energy through the first and second decan of the zodiac sign Aries. These two decans push our focus out into the vast horizons of what is possible and allows us the freedom to shoot for the future. Heads held high, we walk into the unknown with nothing but our unbridled determination, cracking open the backbone of adventure in order to fortify our pioneering spirit.
The Moon and Sun are square one another on Tuesday, the square aspect shows us what actions we need to take in order to produce results from the New Moon intentions that were set in the previous week. The Moon travels through the quick witted air sign Gemini, Cancer, Leo and ends the week in Virgo. With the Moon moving through this quadrant of the zodiac, the week will go through a few highs and emotional moments. Moon in Cancer urges us to nestle into what keeps us feeling safe and connected with intimate relationships. Through Leo, there is an uptick in social and creative energy, seeking forms of validation and ways to share who we are with others.
By the end of the week Virgo Moon urges us to take care of and finalize the small projects that have been left undone throughout the week. Mercury makes quite an aspiring conjunction with Jupiter on Monday (27th) and then Venus conjoins with Uranus on Thursday (30th). Our minds show up in bright thunder strikes of awareness and explosive comprehension connecting multiple dots to birth new ways of perceiving.
Monday 27th
Quite a bit of confidence and optimism pumps us up with the Mercury conjunct Jupiter aspect today. This is a replanting of positive thoughts / affirmations for growth potential and is a wonderful day to be extremely mindful of what your thoughts are manifesting. Making a pact with yourself to change one pattern of thinking can move mountains in your life. We can accomplish whatever we put our minds to. Today is not the day for negative self-talk but to reorient any anxious thinking into proactive measures. On the flip side, if you are someone who tends towards being overly positive, this is a day to be aware of how many promises you are making to yourself and others. Overextending your mental capacity can leave you feeling drained and used if not properly balanced but overall, this is still a fantastic time to break through any mental blocks / barriers. MOON sextile Mercury, sextile Jupiter, square Neptune, Voc from 6:40 pm – 3:20 am. 3/28 Mercury conjunct Jupiter.
Tuesday 28th
The Moon enters Cancer and makes an aspect to Saturn, creating a somber tone for the day. Working hard and productively is rewarding and a positive way to move through any emotions that may be bubbling up to the surface. Communicating exactly how we feel might come easier later in the day when the Moon moves off a conjunction with feisty Mars and into a trine with Saturn, helping us to put proper boundaries on how we are feeling. Notice any tension or heat building during conversations, we can be a bit more sensitive than usual and don’t want to say or do things that are not within our natural character. On the other hand, those who need to get some things off their chest may find the energy of Mars gives them the umph and confidence they need to settle disagreements or conflicts.
Moon > Cancer at 3:21 am, conjunct Mars, trine Saturn, sextile NN, square Sun.
Wednesday 29th
We can take time to navigate any family drama with care and compassion today. If there are any lingering issues that need to be tied up with loved ones, today is a good day to parse through one’s emotions over the issue and create a plan of action. We may feel compelled to go out of our way to find resolve, take care of and nurture any hurt feelings. Whatever comes to light today with Moon square Chiron, Mercury, and Jupiter, it is important to remain honest with oneself and to come from a place of empathy for all involved.
Moon sextile Venus, square Chiron, sextile Uranus, square Jupiter, square Mercury.
Thursday 30th
The Moon doesn’t ingress very quietly into Leo with Pluto in opposition to her right when she meets the lion. The need to share and find others who acknowledge our unique and personal struggles is high. Today we may find others to confide in and share some of our deepest truths which may be rejected from the collective. Having confidence to open up and share our struggles can be an inspiration for others going through the same journey. There is a lot of support and practical guidance found throughout the day. The way we connect with our hearts is fully expanded today offering radical ways of showing up for our community and each other. Stay open for those unexpected connections. Moon trine Neptune, Voc from 6:45am – 3:30pm, Moon -> Leo at 3:31pm, opposite Pluto. Mars trine Saturn. Venus conjunct Uranus.
Friday 31st
Today our emotional needs take control over the day and we might feel a little misdirected for the sake of taking it easy. It’s ok to blow off steam and have some fun. Play some games with friends, enjoy your surroundings and banter in a little fun competition. The Sun and Moon are in Aries and Leo prompting us to take a little spontaneous adventure for the sake of pure unadulterated fun. It’s good for the soul to blow off steam this way, it is Venus’s day anyway.
Moon square NN, trine Sun, trine Chiron.
Saturday 1st
Accessing the parts of us that require change to accommodate others is difficult today, we don’t feel like we want to participate in society’s rules and regulations. Feeling a bit indignant from being misunderstood, the pompousness of the Leo moon comes out in various forms to be expressed. Channeling this energy into a creative outlet can have lasting effects like vision boarding. Exploring self-expression in new ways can also get us out of our comfort zones and into new ways of being. This is a ‘me’ day for everyone so take the time to broaden your knowledge on you without the need to be understood by anyone but your highest self.
Moon square Uranus, square Venus, trine Jupiter, trine Mercury, Voc from 11:01 pm – 3:56 am 4/2.
Sunday 2nd
The need to get things done nags at us from the corners of our eyes. The Moon ingresses into mutable Virgo today, badgering us to take care of the things we’ve been putting off all week. The Moon also finds herself in the opposition of Saturn finding the motivation to begrudgingly scrub the tiny surfaces clean. There is movement today and we are slowly waking up from the Leo moon slumber to get to work. Don’t be surprised if you end up clearing that junk drawer finally or putting away the pile of papers that have been eyeing you since November. Today is the day to harness the energy of Mars sextile the North Node.
Moon > Virgo at 3:57 am, opposite Saturn, sextile Mars, trine NN. Mars sextile NN.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node
Written by: Evelyn Zuel