Mars enters Cancer

Mars enters Cancer
25th PDT 4:46 / 25st AEDT 22:46
Today Mars enters Cancer, the sign of its fall, traditionally a place of debilitated expression. However, there’s a good chance that none of us care about this AT ALL - we’re just happy that Mars has FINALLY culminated its seven-month stay in Gemini featuring a particularly tedious retrograde spin. Comparatively, Mars’ two-month swim through the sign of the crab seems like a piece of cake. Sure, we’ll shortly have eclipse season to worry about, and Mars has a part to play in the drama, but for now, enjoy the change of pace!
Mars is the planet of action, passion, and desire. As such, its movements govern our energy levels. Cardinal water sign Cancer, ruled by the moon, is best known for its emotional vacillations, as well as its prioritization of domestic affairs. Thus, when the warrior planet transits the sign of nurturance, care, and instinctive defense, we all become the walking manifestation of the "he protecc, he attacc" meme. The battles can get weird, and we may find ourselves engaging in circular fights out of habit rather than necessity.
Presently, our cosmic homework lies in embracing our intuitive abilities. When we trust our intuition, we have a high chance of making excellent strategic moves. Mars in Cancer’s number one teaching is that we are at peak strength when we dare to be our most vulnerable selves.
Yet, when we fail to trust our intuition, and we allow our changing moods to make decisions for us, the results can get messy. As with any Mars transits, moderation is key. Too much caution can impede progress. Too much sensitivity can lend to paranoia. And when we assume the worst of others, we can stoop VERY low. Manipulation tactics can be leveraged if we feel backed into a corner. The gaslighting can get real.
It may be difficult to determine whether anxiety is at the helm in the coming weeks. Are we following our gut, or are we being led astray by wishful thinking or foreboding joy (as coined by Brene Brown)? Are we aligning ourselves with divine timing, or letting our emotions to get the better of us? These are incredibly common human questions, and typically there is no way to make the distinction except in hindsight. And "hindsight" is something that nostalgia-bound Mars in Cancer LOVES. At this time, reflect upon your past to ensure that you are not retracing your steps and allowing history to repeat! If you make a present mistake, rest assured there will be a future Mars in Cancer transit to rehash it!
Written by Nyssa Grazda