Week Ahead Transits: 25th - 31st December

Week ahead transits25-31 December
All times calculated for PDT: UTC -08:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = 3°14’ Capricorn – 10°22’ Capricorn
Moon = Gemini – Virgo
Happy Saturnalia, the traditional Roman holiday where debauchery and merriment were required for one full week as the Sun entered the sea goat. The onset of Capricorn season is celebrated all over the globe. Ruled by Saturn, the cardinal earth sign denotes the time of year when we realize our accomplishments and take the time to reflect on the work we’ve done thus far. This week there are a lot of planetary aspects that will force us to expand our mental capacity, as well as the heart’s ability to show compassion.
The Full Moon in Cancer lands at 4°58’ of the crab at 4:33 pm PST, Venus enters Sagittarius and Jupiter stations direct! The Full Moon in Cancer typically brings our attention to family, legacy, personal history, and our emotional patterning. The Full Moon lands right after Christmas, so that means that we will feel the culmination of the emotive and security-driven crab on the 25th. Cancer full moons are often driven by tradition and offer us the opportunity to remember our ancestors and offer them our gratitude for the lives they lived. Even if we don’t all understand or even respect some of the ancestors that we are a part of, it is still important to acknowledge their path as one that we are here to either maintain or course correct.
Jupiter stations direct! It isn’t the best timing as many with small businesses and self-employed folks would much prefer to see higher profits before the holiday season, none the less the planet of abundance will now be moving forward once again. Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus have been creating massive waves of abundance and scarcity across the economic landscape. Jupiter stationed retrograde September 4th and has been slowing down financial optimism since, now that the planet of growth and faith is turning direct, the pessimism of the future begins to lift.
The last major transit for the week is Venus entering Sagittarius. She is leaving her place of detriment and into a sign that offers more hope and openness. We may begin to feel less closed off to others and desire to reach out to our shells and make more connections within the coming weeks.
A ton of Neptunian disruptions.
Venus ingress into Sagittarius at the end of the week.
Jupiter stations direct.
Monday 25th
For a moment we step out of the cares and worries of the mundane world and allow the Venus trine Neptune energies of pleasure and emotional fulfillment take hold. Venus and Neptune together are like a numbing agent that helps to distract from the pain while the wound is given time to heal. The Moon in Gemini is curious and has a lot to say, as well as a bright inner dialogue. We can feel cheeky today and push the envelope of what is appropriate, seeing how long it takes for a conversation to move into the territory of no return. Straddle the line of curiosity and antagonism today, but do so intelligently as force will only push someone in the opposite direction that you want them to go in.Moon sextile Chiron rx, sextile NN, opposite Mars, square Neptune, opposite Mercury rx. Venus trine Neptune.
Tuesday 26th
Was it a dream? Mercury and Neptune make contact today leaving us wondering if what we had just experienced was all in our imagination. Was it the magic of the season or the wine? It’s too hard to tell but when Mercury and Neptune come together today on the Full Moon in Cancer, there is no shortage of mystical moments that take us out of the present moment and transport us into another era.Moon > Cancer at 7:15 am, trine Saturn, Full Moon in Cancer at 4:33 pm, sextile Jupiter rx. Chiron stations direct. Mercury rx square Neptune.
Wednesday 27th
We’re ready to put our money where our mouth is, step up to the plate, and take action. We’ve been thinking, pondering, wondering, humming, and hawing for long enough and today is the time to put the gears into motion. We’re feeling the fire within and may even remember some of the promises that we had previously made to ourselves or other people that put the burning furnace under our butts. Moon square Chiron, sextile Uranus rx. Sun trine Jupiter rx. Mercury rx conjunct Mars.
Thursday 28th
Mars takes his turn with Neptune today, pushing back against false information and unclear communication. We’re determined to get to the bottom of a situation and that can be either through political or religious undertones. Venus and Pluto bring up difficult topics to work through lovingly and also help to put our financial goals into a clearer perspective. If it feels like you are running around in circles or that you aren’t making progress, just take a moment to clear your mind and coordinate on paper your next steps. The big vision may be hard to see, but if you write it out then it can manifest.Moon square NN, trine Neptune, trine Venus, opposite Pluto, Moon > Leo at 4:23 pm. Mars square Neptune. Venus sextile Pluto.
Friday 29th
The tension of exploring ourselves in relationships helps to push us outside of any comfort zones we may have around connecting with others. We feel a drive to make contact and seek the support of others. Venus enters Sagittarius today and when the planet of love moves into the great expanse that is Sagittarius, we begin wondering what else there is out there for us to experience. Our sensuality and pleasure centers begin to pull at our heartstrings, showing us what we could have and how to attain it. We seek to heighten our understanding of love, money, and physical pleasure from a deeper and more spiritual perspective.Moon square Jupiter rx, trine Chiron. Venus > Sagittarius at 12:23 pm.
Saturday 30th
Everyone celebrate and go spend all of your money because Jupiter has finally been stationed directly! That’s kind of a joke, but when Jupiter stations direct, we can see prospects more clearly, which brings hope. The Moon in Leo has us seeking joy-filled experiences that take us back to a more carefree time but the square to Uranus will still have the collective’s needs beckoning.Moon square Uranus rx, trine NN, trine Mercury rx, trine Mars. Jupiter stations direct at 6:40 pm.
Sunday 31st
Happy New Year! The Moon enters Virgo today and creates some tension within our relationships as it enters compromising aspects with Venus and Saturn. We may have to invoke the boundaries act and communicate any anxieties we may be feeling. Since Virgo is associated with the gut and digestion, and the Moon makes a t square with Saturn and Venus, it may be a good idea to hold off on any foods or drinks that would typically cause you a nervous stomach.Moon > Virgo at 3:53 am, square Venus, opposite Saturn, trine Jupiter.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by: Evelyn Zuel