Chiron stations Direct

Chiron stations Direct
26th PST 19:10 / 27th AEDT 14:10
Today, following a five-month retrograde, Chiron stations direct on Aries’ 15th degree. Due to its elliptical orbit, the asteroid known as the Wounded Healer spends most of its time in the signs of Pisces and Aries. We’re just about halfway through Chiron’s Arian sojourn, which began in 2019 and will end in 2027.
Self-empowerment, initiation, independence: this is what Aries is all about. But Chiron’s influence here makes us doubtful that we can achieve success on our terms. The longer we linger in this energy, the more anxiety we experience. Past events have convinced us that if we try, we will fail, and embarrass ourselves in the process.
Unfortunately, addressing our wounding patterns is something that no one else can do FOR us. We must learn to acknowledge the validity of our pain, without seeking to glorify it or absorb it as an incontrovertible aspect of our identity. When Chiron is retrograde, it is easier to see the trap that we make for ourselves – the one where we tell ourselves that we are *deserving* of rejection, humiliation, or shame. When Chiron is retrograde, we more keenly understand that interpreting suffering as a heroic act is folly.
Yet when Chiron is direct, as it will be until late July 2024, we can forget this truth. Mostly, because we might have to contend with more bullying or negativity from outside forces than from our inner critic. The trick then is to remember, even among foes, that repression does not equal healing. The mythological Chiron was only able to transmute his pain by sacrificing his immortality in exchange for Prometheus’ life. Similarly, the assumption that our identity hinges upon immortalizing *our* pain must be sacrificed for our inner fire to return.
One of next year’s major cosmic milestones will be Chiron’s alignment with the lunar North Node. While we’ll get there when we get there, this may signal a turning point, not only in how we access healing but also in how we define what healing means.
Written by Nyssa Grazda