Mercury Retrograde enters Sagittarius

Mercury Retrograde enters Sagittarius
22nd PST 22:18 / 23rd AEDT 17:18
Today, the sun and retrograde Mercury aligned in their inferior conjunction, stimulating breakthroughs and providing new context on our retrograde experience thus far. With this added layer of intrigue, it’s only appropriate that Mercury will now backtrack into broad-minded Sagittarius, allowing us to retrieve an even more comprehensive picture.
When Mercury is in Sagittarius, we’re mentally in expedition mode. Each dialogue we have, each exchange, and each run-in with bygone exes, all act as micro-quests that serve to shift our subjective awareness. One way or another, the lesson that needs learning WILL be learned.
However, captivation with the broader landscape can easily distract us from clocking details right in front of our faces. Remember, Mercury is at a detriment here. So, returning to this terrain to hunt for missing clues or re-evaluate skipped steps can feel a lot like searching for our missing car keys following a long hike through the open wilderness. On the one hand, we KNOW we had the keys after we crossed the woodland stream. On the other hand, that was an hour and several miles ago. Nevertheless, optimism drowns out the dread of our current predicament. And realistically, there’s no way of getting into the car without them, so back we go!
As Mercury re-enters Sagittarius, it will cross over its final, or critical degree, the degree it last transited on December 1 in direct motion. So, to narrow down your search, begin with that date as a landmark. What was transpiring in your life around this time? A purchase? A conversation? Was an application submitted? Was a repair initiated? (Do you remember passing that boulder?)
While you’re here, take in the scenery. At least at this point in your Mercury Rx journey, you have a vague idea of what you’re looking FOR. Yet, while a specific need might have forced your return to this territory, what you discover on round two, armed with a different perspective, could be a complete surprise.
Written by Nyssa Grazda