Week Ahead Transits: 2 - 8 September

Week ahead transits 2 - 8 September
All times calculated for PST: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = Virgo 10°18’ – Virgo 17°5’
Moon = Virgo – Scorpio
A New Moon in Virgo on the 2nd at 6:55 pm starts out the week with an energy refresh. We are midway through Virgo season and that links us with the energy of the 9 of Pentacles, a Venusian expression through the eyes of the analytical one. The 9 of Pentacles shows an image of a person clad in fine linens standing in front of hedges filled with ripe fruit/pentacles while holding a bird to represent the intuition and wisdom of patience. What the 9’s represent is the liminal space we find ourselves in as the horizon dawns a beautiful setting sun, the moment when we can revel and appreciate what we have been working all along for. This is a sticky place to be, the precipice of finality, when you are right at the finish line but there is still the last ditch effort to push through to the end; some find this is the best time to stop because the fruits are ‘good enough’, maybe a little bitter but tolerable. The New Moon in Virgo at 11 degrees inches us ever closer to the sweet rewards of our efforts, gently revealing the remaining tasks that confront us on the path to success. This is a great time to refresh your life in the area where the New Moon will land, for instance if in your 4th house of home, the New Moon can revitalize a new energy in the home that helps to detoxify and purify the space. Or if the New Moon happens to land in the 1st house of self and identity, then the new moon can offer a fresh new lens with which to identify the self and relate to others.
Two major ingresses this week: Mars > Cancer on 4th/5th and Mercury > Virgo on the 8th/9th. Mars in Cancer can be a volatile time, simply due to the fact that when Mars is in cardinal water, it reacts based on emotion first before all else. This is only particularly concerning since the majority of humanity has found it quite difficult to control or work productively with emotions. The transit lasts for about a month and throughout the next few weeks, we may see tempers escalate at the drop of a hat, irrational fears can become triggered more easily and those who are typically concerned with personal safety can sense an uptick in worry surrounding family and close loved ones. Try not to give in to the fear mongering that will ensue as we ALL will be under the influence of Mars and Cancer and many will be very convincing with their concerns. This isn’t to say ignore all signs and red flags, but to be very discerning with what information you decide to react from, try to follow the plot down the hole to where the original point of unease comes from. On the flip side, for those of us who generally don’t fear or worry about safety measures, this could be the month when you take more precaution than usual, which can be an inspiring time to create plans and systems of action to help ease any worry around family care.
Mercury is calming itself down in its home sign Virgo, letting the Leo-style speak simmer down into a gentle purr. For those of you who found your voice during the retrograde cycle, congratulations! And for those of you who learned to tame the voice, congratulations! Now Mercury will be tempering and easing us into a more methodical approach to work related matters and keeping us on task.
The Sun opposes Saturn, which is still retrograde, shining its light on the places where we are seeking greater freedom and independence. It is empowering to be able to work through a problem all on your own rather than have our hands held through the rough patches. The Sun in opposition of Saturn brings up issues with authority which can feel impeding and sometimes hopeless. It is important to be able to see every minor detail and identify what pieces of information are being missed without immediately succumbing to the will of an outside force as oftentimes a blanket ruling doesn’t represent each individuals' unique needs. On the 7th/8th when Saturn in Pisces sees the Sun in Virgo, this can be an excellent time to work on eloquence in the face of external forces.
The Sun opposes Saturn, which is still retrograde, shining its light on the places where we are seeking greater freedom and independence. It is empowering to be able to work through a problem all on your own rather than have our hands held through the rough patches. The Sun in opposition of Saturn brings up issues with authority which can feel impeding and sometimes hopeless. It is important to be able to see every minor detail and identify what pieces of information are being missed without immediately succumbing to the will of an outside force as oftentimes a blanket ruling doesn’t represent each individuals' unique needs. On the 7th/8th when Saturn in Pisces sees the Sun in Virgo, this can be an excellent time to work on eloquence in the face of external forces.
Monday 2nd
The Sun and Moon are localized in Virgo with not many tight aspects, other than an applying opposition to Saturn. This puts creates an air of slowly building tensions regarding work and external responsibilities. The pressure may be mounting on which direction to go or what to do next. Virgo is a busy body and likes to have the next task on deck, but when Saturn is involved and Mars is square Neptune, it can be hard to fully know just what to do next. Mercury is aiding by opening up much needed vulnerable dialogue about any weaknesses or inferiority issues that we may be feeling regarding the work that we do. Best to write it out and fine tune the plans in a couple of days.
New Moon Virgo at 11°04’ at 6:55 pm, Mercury trine Chiron rx, Mars square Neptune rx.
Tuesday 3rd
New insights and awarenesses come to light with the Moon square Jupiter which helps to shed more light on future projects. Venus is letting some of our past slide right back in and unfinished business with romantic, business and collaborative partners rears its head. Nostalgia hits and we may find ourselves wondering about what could have been with past lovers, skipping down memory lane. A new way of perceiving the past allows for closure.
Moon opposite Saturn, square Jupiter, Venus opposite NN/conjunct SN.
Wednesday 4th
Mars enters Cancer today so don’t be too alarmed if you notice people slightly more on edge than usual. There is oftentimes a concern or worry about safety, home and domestic life while Mars is in Cancer, which can inspire updates and a refresh to the home front. Family matters may come in hot today and throughout the next month as well. The Moon enters Libra so we are focused on how to balance what we need and what others are demanding of us.
Moon trine Uranus, opposite Neptune, square Mars, trine Pluto rx, Moon > Libra at 9:11 am, opposite NN. Mars > Cancer at 12:46 pm.
Thursday 5th
The Moon and Venus get cozy in the sky today and this can bring in some much needed R & R with friends. Love is on the mind and how to balance our relational needs along with our independence pops up throughout the day. We are feeling sweet, kind, compassionate and desire to share in such delights. This can be a great time to reach out to the women and femmes in your life that light you up.
Moon conjunct Venus.
Friday 6th
Today is a little chaotic with all the commotion the Moon is stirring before she moves into Scorpio later today. The Moon is forcing a purge from our psyche, a release is imminent and Mercury square Uranus is kicking in our need to think quickly and on our toes. Situations where we need to see some fair action and justice comes into view and staying quiet just isn’t an option. This is also a high energy day to get a lot done! The Moon in Libra makes a nice flow with Mercury in Leo, ramping up our social cues and showering us with comedic moments.
Moon trine Jupiter, opposite Chiron rx, sextile Mercury, square Pluto rx, Moon > Scorpio at 10:18 pm, Mercury square Uranus rx.
Saturday 7th
The Sun and Saturn find themselves in a tango between free will and the law. Saturn in Pisces has been restructuring the religious systems that help to create order amongst the myriad of different beliefs and ideologies. When a society is in union, this can be a helpful time to reevaluate what is and is not working for the betterment of the collective. But with the amount of polarity we are propagandized into, these sorts of oppositions in the sky help to affirm the divisions. Critique and analysis over how and when one chooses to participate in their spiritual practices can be a topic of interest as the Sun in Virgo shines its light on the details of how something is done and Saturn in Pisces wants to establish the why.
Moon trine Mars, Sun opposite Saturn rx.
Sunday 8th
Mercury ingresses into Virgo while the Moon makes the past couple of days make sense. It is so much easier now to perse through the details and understand the missing pieces of information that we need to paint a whole picture. Moon sextile Sun is an optimistic time of clarity and with the moon still in penetrating Scorpio, we are sure to get to the bottom of any issue that comes up throughout the day.
Moon trine Saturn rx, sextile Sun
Mercury > Virgo at 11:50 pm.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel