Mars Enters Cancer

Mars Enters Cancer
4th PST 12:46 / 5th AEST 5:46
Mars enters Cancer, where it will travel for the next two months. However, due to its upcoming retrograde in Leo, Mars will return to Cancer just after the new year. With that in mind, we may want to give more credence to our instincts. Our instincts are not just there to alert us to danger – they can clue us into the merits of a mission.
At this time, our motivation depends on our mood, and our moods are subject to vacillating. Monday’s top priority can become Tuesday’s forgotten conquest. We might express ardent passion for a project, person or practice, but in the coming days, our follow through largely hinges on whether investing ourselves *feels* correct at any given moment. Mood swings can confuse those around us, yet if something is 'off', our intuition will simply not allow us to continue giving our energy to an exploit.
As a result, we’re likely to crabwalk our way to victory now. Two steps forward, two steps to the side. A slow retreat back into the shell. Sudden re-emergence and a show of pinchers. We’ll get where we intend to go, but in a roundabout way. While Mars is in Cancer, defense is the best offense. This means we’re less interested in courting conflict, but we’ll inevitably get crabby if we think we’re being attacked. We didn’t sign up to fight and we’re aware of the vulnerability of our squishy insides, despite our tough exterior.
If you sense yourself becoming defensive in the coming weeks, maybe for no apparent reason at all, lean into Cancer Mars’ best attribute – its ability to protect the meek. Make everything less about YOU. Look for ways to help others. Come to the aid of those with softer shells. Use your intuition to guide your loved ones out of harm’s way.
At this time, our motivation depends on our mood, and our moods are subject to vacillating. Monday’s top priority can become Tuesday’s forgotten conquest. We might express ardent passion for a project, person or practice, but in the coming days, our follow through largely hinges on whether investing ourselves *feels* correct at any given moment. Mood swings can confuse those around us, yet if something is 'off', our intuition will simply not allow us to continue giving our energy to an exploit.
As a result, we’re likely to crabwalk our way to victory now. Two steps forward, two steps to the side. A slow retreat back into the shell. Sudden re-emergence and a show of pinchers. We’ll get where we intend to go, but in a roundabout way. While Mars is in Cancer, defense is the best offense. This means we’re less interested in courting conflict, but we’ll inevitably get crabby if we think we’re being attacked. We didn’t sign up to fight and we’re aware of the vulnerability of our squishy insides, despite our tough exterior.
If you sense yourself becoming defensive in the coming weeks, maybe for no apparent reason at all, lean into Cancer Mars’ best attribute – its ability to protect the meek. Make everything less about YOU. Look for ways to help others. Come to the aid of those with softer shells. Use your intuition to guide your loved ones out of harm’s way.
Written by Nyssa Grazda