Pluto Retrograde Enters Capricorn
Pluto Retrograde enters Capricorn
1st PST 17:08 / 2nd AEST 10:08
We’ve entered the home stretch! Pluto makes its FINAL foray into Capricorn, where it will transit for two and a half months before leaving this terrain for nearly two-hundred and fifty years. But has Pluto finished revealing teachable moments? Will it be content to phone in its final days on the job in Capricorn? Not quite.
As if to make its last moments in this sign memorable, Pluto will entertain a noteworthy dance with Mars at the end of October. Arguably the two most volatile planets, Pluto and Mars will exactly oppose one another in Capricorn and Cancer on November 3, prompting us to challenge institutional power dynamics or unchecked authority figures, ones that still have the upper hand, even if their influence is waning. Confronting our enemies while controlling our impulses is key to this equation. And we are cautioned to conserve our energy, because this initial clash is only the first part of the story
Mars will station retrograde in early December and these two powerhouses will oppose twice more, on January 3 and April 26/27 2025 from their new positions in Aquarius and Leo. The late degrees of the Capricorn/Cancer axis function as an activation point and you can expect competition to play a major theme in your life now, if you have planets in the late degrees of the cardinal signs. Whatever conflict is stirred up at the beginning of November will follow us into the new year, so prepare to face your adversaries with the awareness that the established tides are shifting. Take a cue from Pluto and remember that you are playing the long game.
Written by Nyssa Grazda