Week Ahead Transits: 2nd - 8th October

Week ahead transits 2-8 October
All times calculated for PDT: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = 8° 49’ Libra - 15° 43’ Libra
Moon = Taurus - Leo
Welcome to the second decan of Libra! This week we meet with the energies of the 3 of swords which is a traditionally unwelcome card as it depicts a heart with three swords stabbing through the center of it. As the card depicts, the heart is clearly wounded, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that one must experience heartbreak for the lessons of forgiveness to speak to us throughout this week. What the second decan of Libra shows us is how to navigate disagreements, personal upsets, and relational imbalances. Forgiveness is the all-powerful equalizer for pent-up resentments, the Sun will be illuminating for us where we may be holding latent resentment within the heart so that we can clear the energy blocks and move forward with lightness.The Moon travels through the signs Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer and ends the week in Leo. Throughout the week we seek comfort in stability, adventures with intellectual intrigue, necessary emotional safety, and ego validation with our creative selves. The Sun and Moon dance towards their second quarter phase which includes a trine first and then a square a couple of days later. The air trine sparks communications and excitement for collaboration. When the Moon is in Cancer and squares the Sun in Libra, the tension arises when it feels too complicated to accommodate others’ insecurities.
Mercury enters Libra picking up the need for constant social interactions. This begins the bustling energy of the season when it feels like there just isn’t enough of you to go around. You’ll feel pulled in all different directions amongst friend groups, romantic partners’ friends, co-workers, and all the in-between with one social activity after another. If you’ve been craving conscious collaboration, buckle your seat belt because it is coming. Venus trines North Node opening a pathway towards accessing one’s truest heart’s desires. There may be a beautiful moment where someone helps us to see our worth during this time. Venus enters Virgo later in the week, ending her ride through the Lion of passion and bringing our awareness to how we relate to the work that we produce.
Monday 2nd
We might be feeling a bit crazed today with all of the lunar energies being pulled in multiple different directions right before moving into Gemini. Mercury opposing Neptune also makes it hard to pin down exactly what we need to know and what information is pertinent to the situation. Our mental faculties are stranded through the tides. But what is super beneficial about today is the Venus connection with the NN. This aspect gives a beautiful opening for us to witness what we value in this life and how to put our priorities into perspective to access more of what we want.
Moon conjunct Uranus rx, square Venus, sextile Neptune rx, trine Mercury, trine Pluto, moon > Gemini at 10:03 pm. Mercury opposite Neptune rx. Venus trine NN.
Tuesday 3rd
Maximize the information that is revealed to you today. With a potent Mercury trine Pluto aspect, there is a lot that is being revealed for you to understand on a more practical level. You may see a social dynamic play out that makes it very telling what the true medications below the surface are rather than what is being presented.
Moon square Saturn rx, trine Sun. Mercury trine Pluto rx.
Wednesday 4th
Today may be a bit challenging to navigate as transgressions of the past come back to the surface, reopening wounds around unfair treatment that we experienced. There may be some reoccurring situations and patterns that emerge around male relationships specifically, which are teaching us how to deal with confrontations, aggression, or hostile behaviors in others and within ourselves. Learning how to express anger before it turns into resentment is the lesson of the day.
Moon sextile Chiron rx, sextile NN, trine Mars, square Neptune rx, sextile Venus. Mars opposite NN / conjunct SN. Mercury > Libra at 5:08 pm.
Thursday 5th
Being able to communicate exactly what it is that we are feeling on the inside is a skill that we get to build upon today. With the Moon entering Cancer we may be feeling extra sensitive to critique or criticism, however, the critiques we do receive help fine-tune our behaviors in a professional setting.
Moon > Cancer at 5:31 am, square Mercury, trine Saturn rx.
Friday 6th
Today can be used as a day to take action on our emotional needs. We may feel sensitive to when others are not taking the care we expect of them to be aware of how we are feeling but what it really comes down to is learning how to advocate for our own needs when it arises. But if someone is willingly ignoring us and creating an unhealthy dynamic of anxious attachment, then there needs to be a healthy, educated discussion of how those behaviors impact us negatively. Today is a day for emotional education and getting to know how other people navigate emotional security.
Moon square Sun, sextile Jupiter rx, square Chiron rx.
Saturday 7th
With how serious it has been lately, it’s time to take a break and let it all go, make amends and either agree to disagree or forgive once and for all and bury the hatchet because life is too short. Moon entering Leo today has us feeling a bit lighter and desiring a shift in attitudes for the sake of bringing in more joy. Take a short trip, play a game, and connect with friends.
Moon sextile Uranus rx, square NN, trine Neptune rx, square Mars, opposite Pluto rx, Moon > Leo at 4:24 pm.
Sunday 8th
There is a strong power dynamic at play today and we may feel caught in the middle of it. Venus enters Virgo today which shifts our value systems towards prep work for the future. We may decide to change directions with work, what we are doing creatively, our diets, workout routines, etc. But there is a very clear shift within us to push ourselves to a higher level.
Moon sextile Mercury, square Jupiter rx. Mars square Pluto rx. Venus > Virgo at 6:10 pm.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by: Evelyn Zuel