October Transits & Monthly Overview

October delivers us back into the cosmic pressure cooker, as the year’s final eclipses loom! While October 14’s solar eclipse is set to exacerbate the Libra season polarity of “self” versus “other”, October 28’s lunar eclipse will culminate the Taurus-Scorpio eclipse series that began in November 2021.
Beneath the headline news, the sun and Mercury’s aspects to Chiron and Pluto add extra tension to an already-fraught psychological terrain. In the weeks ahead, keeping up appearances proves increasingly counteractive to our instincts. While identifying common ground can help us to resolve conflict, self-advocacy is the true agent of liberation. Power struggles and ego clashes towards month's end may be reflective of our own internal dialogues, as we question this debilitating dance. Is being witnessed worth the crisis of confidence?
Oct 4/5 – Mercury enters Libra: we invoke our inner diplomatic during this two-and-a-half-week-long transit. In conversation, we wax poetic over what fair, honest, and ethical.
Sep 4/5 – Venus enters Virgo: standards are high in love and romance. Avoid offering unsolicited, “constructive”, criticism. Our partners aren’t perfect, but neither are we!
Sep 15/16 – Pluto is direct: after over five months retrograde, Pluto stations direct in Capricorn, encouraging us to face our fears, leverage our magic, and own our authority.
Sep 23 – Mars enters Scorpio: passion is our primary motivator while Mars transits its domicile. Assert your will without courting danger!
Oct 21/22 – Mercury enters Scorpio: obsessions, fascinations, and psychic communication characterize this transit. Some preoccupations will be worth your energy and effort. Others…not so much.
Oct 23 – Sun enters Scorpio: this is a season of sleuthing and subterfuge. The veil is thin, allowing us to peer behind reality’s façade. The greatest exploration will be the one that takes place within.
Written by Nyssa Grazda