Mercury enters Libra

Mercury enters Libra
4th PDT 17:09 / 5th AEDT 11:09
Mercury joins the sun in Libra today, making communication over the next two and a half weeks a more amicable affair. While Mercury's extended stay in Virgo saw us analyzing our circumstances to improve upon them, we inevitably resorted to fault-finding and nitpicking. We’ve since realized that life is more interesting when we quit fixating on the fine print. Creating rapport requires us to be forgiving and patient – in short, it's time to cut everyone some slack!
Mercury in Libra bears no essential dignity. It is neither debilitated nor exalted. Therefore, our attitude during this transit depends much on context – what kinds of conversations are we engaged in? Who are our companions? What part are we playing within the dialogue? At this time, we'll adopt the roles that Libra likes best – the mediator, the diplomat, or the envoi. Comparing and contrasting, weighing our options; this is our forte. No one wants to shoot the messenger: we’re too nice! However, with both sides of our pro and con list equally matched, we'll eventually begin to wonder if we're getting anything DONE.
A failure to commit may be an overcorrection, a reaction to making too many snap judgments during Mercury in Virgo, with mixed results. We’re a bit more humble now, less eager to eat our words, so maybe, we think, refusing to marry ourselves to the specifics is the optimal solution. We might forget that achieving harmony is impossible if we don't make any decisions! And letting others choose *for* us can yield a different kind of remorse. While it could be argued that decent medicine for Mercury in Virgo is “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”, Mercury in Libra urges us to balance assertion and acquiescence. Our best bet to avoid regret is to determine whether we do or don’t have a stake in the matter.
Good questions to ask:
Does this issue affect me?
Will my perspective add value to this conversation?
Will I be disappointed given a certain outcome?
Written by Nyssa Grazda