Week Ahead Transits: 13th - 19th November

Week ahead transits 13-19 November
All times calculated for PDT: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = 20° 40' Scorpio - 27° 43' Scorpio
Moon = Scorpio - Leo
New week, new moon! We start the week with a fresh New Moon in Scorpio at 20°44’, this new moon hits an opposition with Uranus in Taurus. The path towards individuation from the group is shown to us in ways that are not necessarily through rose-tinted glasses. With Mars a part of the mix, just coming off of an opposition with Uranus but still very much influencing the New Moon energy in Scorpio, we are being shown very explicitly how the collective can act in egregious and insidious ways that work to alienate those who do not abide by the group’s message.Monday 13th
As with all New Moon days, oftentimes we can feel the tides of our emotions waning back into the ocean of the internal self. We are merging the light and the dark within, and that is no easy feat. Take this time to assess your relationship to the masses and the collective consciousness, and take on the form that you wish to see reflected onto the collective. We may feel the need to retreat, to hermit ourselves into our dark caves and isolate away from friends. This is okay, it is just a part of the process of accessing deeper parts of your truth.
New Moon in Scorpio 20°44’.Moon opposite Uranus rx, conjunct Mars, trine Neptune rx, sextile Pluto, Moon > Sagittarius at 6:22 pm, square Saturn. Sun opposite Uranus rx.
Tuesday 14th
We’re feeling quite righteous today, and need to share our beliefs and opinions with others. Moon in Sagittarius has us feeling like we need to share what we know to be true and to seek deeper meanings of our emotional experiences. There is something more, a purpose, a meaning that will just leave us restless for the answers. Today may be a day when we take up learning about another culture or religious practice to gain more understanding and expand our ways of perceiving the world. We get cracked open a bit and given information that will increase our wheelhouse of knowledge.Moon conjunct Mercury, sextile Venus, trine Chiron rx.
Wednesday 15th
A day of pushing away the fog and finding clarity of the mind, however you can. Sometimes we know that we want something, or need something but don’t exactly know what that is and it takes some experimenting to figure out exactly what it is that we are expanding into. Experiment with your preferences, and direction and see what feels right for you. There is room for mistakes and taking wrong turns because sometimes those wrong turns will lead you directly into where you were meant to be all along.
Moon trine NN, square Neptune rx, voc from 2:57 pm – 11:40 pm, Moon > Capricorn at 11:41 pm. Mercury sextile Venus.
Thursday 16th
Today the Moon square Venus puts limitations on how much we are willing to give of ourselves to our partners and loved ones or just others in general. We may be feeling a bit walled off or unable to connect deeply with others during this time, but rather coming more so from a place of intellect and pragmatism. We could be meeting this energy from others too. It might seem like people are less likely to be empathetic and would rather brush the humanness aside for the sake of scientific logic. This is a good energy to harness when you are trying to make sense of something without your emotions confusing the situation.
Moon sextile Saturn, trine Jupiter rx, square Venus.
Friday 17th
The Sun and Mars make contact today in Scorpio, and there could be some tensions that arise throughout the day because of this. When the two masculine/yang energies meet, there is a crisis of the wills that comes into our awareness. On one hand, we are feeling ambitious to achieve higher prospects, competitive, and sexually charged. We may feel the need to engage in behaviors that give a boost of adrenaline, seeking thrills that prove to us that we’re still alive. This is a powerful day with a lot of energy at our disposal to use.
Moon square Chiron rx, trine Uranus rx, square NN, sextile Neptune rx, sextile Sun, sextile Mars. Mars trine Neptune rx. Sun trine Neptune rx, conjunct Mars.
Saturday 18th
The gut instincts that come to the surface are hard to ignore and sometimes those gut reactions don’t make complete sense or can go against our values, but what does come up from the depths of the soul is information that wants to be seen. We should always be somewhat flexible in our beliefs, but today we will be questioned to either reaffirm those beliefs or seriously re-evaluate their meaning in our lives.
Moon conjunct Pluto, Moon > Aquarius at 3:27 am, square Jupiter rx.
Sunday 19th
A lovely day for connectivity, friendship, and sharing with those we care about. The Moon Square Uranus will create the awareness that we may have been neglecting a certain friend or friend group and it's time to reconnect and put in the effort to support those relationships. If you have been feeling left out, then it can be a good time to make those feelings known so that any misunderstandings or rifts don’t grow wider.
Moon trine Venus, sextile Mercury, sextile Chiron rx, square Uranus rx, sextile NN.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by: Evelyn Zuel