Mercury enters Sagittarius

Mercury enters Sagittarius
9th PST 22:25 / 10th AEDT 17:25
Mercury sidles into Sagittarius today, bringing a bit of levity to a cosmic landscape that remains highly Scorpionic. Will this move potentially diminish interpersonal tensions? Yes. Will it necessarily make general communication easier or more fluid? Probably not.
Mercury is in detriment in Sagittarius, which means that our messenger planet has some difficulty expressing itself here. Granted, we could use a break from looking for the secret meaning in everything we see. Taking the long view instead of focusing on the minutiae is the gift this transit offers us. At present, a lack of suspicion affords the return of much-needed optimism and excitement for our future.
However, in the coming days, the mental dexterity required to evaluate facts and reach objective conclusions is hindered by a compulsion to stick to our guns. Mercury in Sagittarius is a teacher and educator. It encourages us to build up expertise in one subject or another. Therefore, our task becomes *transmitting* that knowledge, NOT opening the floor for discussion.
The good news? No one will have to guess what we are thinking now! The major upside to this influence is our commitment to honesty. This is big “I said what I said” energy. If we only had the same commitment to tact as we do to our principles, we would be golden.
We may care a great deal about the truth. But truth is a subjective prospect, and when we become preoccupied with convincing others to believe our version of the truth at the expense of their own, communication can get dicey. The 64,000 dollar question: can we respect others’ rights to define their own moral standards without being tempted to give notes? Must shared ideology be a requisite for a civil discussion? And to take it one step further; must shared ideology be a requisite building block to a healthy culture?
Written by Nyssa Grazda