Week Ahead Transits: 8 - 14 July

Week ahead transits 8 - 14 July
All times calculated for PST: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = 16° 36’ Cancer – 23° 17’ Cancer
Moon = Leo - Scorpio
While Venus inches closer to her ingress into Leo, Pluto looms on the horizon promising a deep reflection on romance, pleasure and our personal boundaries. The Moon starts the week out in sunny, optimistic Leo, moves through particular and critical Virgo, prances through airy and social Libra, and ends in brooding and intense Scorpio – this can be loosely considered the social order quadrant of the zodiac. Throughout the week we may feel our emotions get pulled through a deep analysis filter that can’t help but critique the social dynamics that we find ourselves in. Venus in Leo adds a bit of flirtation and lightness to our relationships. We learn about the art of captivation and seduction as Venus challenges our comfort with outward expressions of love. Dare to open up to others and express your truest form of love and passion.
The Moon and Sun enter into their first quarter square, this is the first manifestation of the new moon seeds that were planted last week in Cancer, which informed our senses for how to manage self-care. Moon in Libra squares the Sun in Cancer pushing a compromise between our need for partnership and family. The way we balance our needs for personal space and familial care is working itself out for us throughout the week. Setting aside time to address concerns with family may help to put our emotional sense back into harmony. Setting up verbal agreements and vocalizing needs along with boundaries is oftentimes a forgotten strategy to getting much needed support. The week between two moons, we emphasize how to integrate our personal agenda, beliefs and social needs along with familial traditions.
Monday 8th
Going against the grain bears the most unusual fruit. To experiment on and blend all of the different facets of who we are births newness to the collective. Imagine all parts of oneself fusing and merging to create colors never once known that is the potency of Venus and Uranus.
Moon square Mars, trine Chiron, square Uranus, Venus sextile Uranus, Mercury sextile Jupiter, trine NN.
Tuesday 9th
Expanding our vision to encompass the details. Today Jupiter sextiles the North Node which is in Aries, this fire combo develops an intellectual capacity to see beyond the mundane. Jupiter in Gemini reminds us that sometimes we need to lighten up the news and there can be a benefit to focusing on the opportunities rather than the misfortunes, which may be seen as wishful thinking to the more cynical but in actuality is a proactive mindset. The Moon shifts to Virgo today aiding in our new found critical focus.
Moon > Virgo at 6:47 am, Jupiter sextile NN.
Wednesday 10th
When we desire to grow but seem to turn up against road block after road block, it requires faith in one’s ability to overcome adversity to push through. It also sometimes helps when we have small favors we can turn to. The Moon is involved in a T square between the planet of growth/beliefs and the planet of restrictions/lessons, we may find ourselves in a situation where we are confronted with puritanical dogma in some form or another, whether it be from our own conditioning or the projection of it from others.
Moon square Jupiter, opposite Saturn rx, sextile Sun, Sun trine Saturn rx.
Thursday 11th
The Moon enters flirty Libra while Venus the planet of love enters fabulous Leo, can we see where this is leading? All matters of love and gossip are on the table and the relationship sleuths are out on the prowl. The Moon opposes Pluto today and oppositions oftentimes put us in between two options. We may find ourselves stuck between openly expressing our true and authentic selves or hiding parts of us that we are not totally proud of.
Moon trine Mars, trine Uranus, opposite Neptune rx, Moon > Libra at 7:06 pm, sextile Venus, trine Pluto rx, Venus trine Neptune rx, Venus -> Leo.
Friday 12th
Venus opposes Pluto forcing a split the psyche regarding our current relationship situations, whether you are happily alone or unhappily with someone, wherever you find yourself you will all have a deep moment of reflection and an option to put your heart on your sleeve. Some truth will come to light around the way you show up in your platonic relationships i.e. with friends and groups of people.
Moon opposite NN, trine Jupiter, Venus opposite Pluto rx.
Saturday 13th
The quarter Moon highlights a need for justice, fairness and peace to be restored in some area of life. The Moon in Libra helps us to understand how the other person feels in a given situation and opens an empathetic ear. But when it squares the Sun in Cancer, a sudden fear around personal space and representation takes precedence.
Moon sextile Mercury, square Sun, Moon voc* for 16 H.
Sunday 14th
Moon enters spicy Scorpio and then squares Pluto and Venus, ouch! Well, sometimes the sting feels good though – but that’s Scorpio talking. The intensity of the day is felt directly to the core. Scorpio pushes the boundaries of what our comfort level can handle and today we may feel those boundaries pushed to the brim. We are being asked to feel into the sultry, hypnotic, and ecstatic energy which is that of regeneration and rebirth.
Moon > Scorpio, square Pluto, square Venus.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel