Mercury Enters Leo

Mercury Enters Leo
2nd PST 5:50 / 2nd AEST 22:50
Mercury enters Leo, where it will transit for just over three weeks. This lively period encourages self-expression, heart-centered banter and fantastic storytelling. Here is an opportunity to captivate our audience. And who’s our audience? Anyone who will listen really. Our main motivation now is to make the bit memorable. And if we intend to draw a crowd, there’s no such thing as bad publicity…Right?
Well, Mercury DOES exit Leo on July 25/26, but on August 4/5, it will station retrograde in Virgo and march right back into the lion’s den. And while retrogrades are certainly not to be feared, this one may be extra volatile because in Leo, everything is *personal*. Embarrassment can exacerbate drama, leading to temper tantrums or icy sulking. Taking offense is the default, even when, underneath our theatrical indignance, we secretly yearn to kiss and make up. The question is whether we’re capable of nursing our wounded pride, or, even less plausibly, of apologizing.
On July 16/17, Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow, when themes from its upcoming retrograde will start to emerge. Begin paying special attention to conversations that transpire around this time, because following this, Mercury will spend the next five days applying a square to unpredictable Uranus, suggesting regrettable things thoughtlessly said, especially where egos are involved. Upsetting news might prompt outbursts, or inspire creative, but potentially half-baked schemes. Mindfulness is the best policy, because we will be revisiting these exchanges twice more – on August 18/19, with Mercury retrograde, and on September 6/7, with Mercury once more in direct motion. Think carefully about what you say…and consider whether short-term satisfaction is worth the long-term mortification.
Written by Nyssa Grazda