Week Ahead Transits: 8 - 14 January

Week ahead transits 8–14 January
All times calculated for PDT: UTC -08:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = 17°30’ Capricorn – 24°38’ Capricorn
Moon = Sagittarius – Pisces
This is the week of manifesting as the Sun travels through the last decan of Capricorn which is associated with the tarot card the 4 of pentacles. This is a promising time for getting serious and realistic about what we need out of life in order to elevate ourselves to the next level – whether that be in the realms of career, love, or home life. We have a New Moon in Capricorn at 20° 44’ on the 11th, this further supports us to envision, materialize, and construct our future! Pluto influences the New Moon along with Uranus and with those two major transpersonal planets affecting the propositions of the New Moon, we may need to actively walk away from systems that don’t support us on our journey. The theme is freedom to forge ahead into a future of our own making.
Mercury transitions from freedom loving, opinionated, talkative Sagittarius to controlled and respectable Capricorn. Our mental faculties shift into a new space which is more methodical, dependable, and reliable. We are craving realness even if it is macabre or dark, Capricorn doesn’t like to fluff anything up or make things seem more grand than they really are. Capricorn is through and through a realist, bordering on the line of skeptic. We won’t believe anything we hear and will need cold hard facts before allowing any information to penetrate our vulnerable spots.
The Moon travels through Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and ends in Pisces throughout the week and these signs are the visionaries of the zodiac. We will curate our emotional landscape to reflect the greater plans that we have in store for ourselves. For some that might look like changing the way we think, talk, or act about a certain topic in order to change the mindset that we have around successfully accomplishing our goals. There is also a bit of a purge happening and it's always important to take stock of our inner landscapes, noticing where hitchhiker thoughts have set up camp so that we can pluck out the dirty travelers from our subconscious conditioning.
Monday 8th
Communications are driven by moments of confusion today as Mercury the planet of the mind makes a hard aspect to Neptune, the planet of ethereal dreaming. Our imaginations can get the best of us today and sweep us up into never ending potentialities. For those who are prone to anxiety, today may be a good day to practice positive affirmations to help remind of the astrological influences such as “I am exactly where I need to be at this moment” “everything is working out according to a higher order.”
Mercury square Neptune.
Tuesday 9th
Today we are blessed with Mercury entering into grounded Capricorn. Our thoughts which were running away from us now have a tether and some more realistic approaches to problem solving. We are able to see our situations and the situation of the collective from a greater perspective which helps to equalize any fears of the future.
Moon trine NN, square Neptune, conjunct Mercury, voc from 10:25 am – 5:32 pm, Moon > Capricorn at 5:33 pm Sun trine Uranus rx Mars sextile Saturn.
Wednesday 10th
We are faced with having to make a decision which feels like it has larger repercussions than usual. This decision is just one amongst the many that we will have to make throughout our lives but today there is a moment of understanding how important one decision can be. On the positive, this can be the day to make that decision that has been lingering for some time.
Moon sextile Saturn, conjunct Mars, trine Jupiter, square Chiron Sun square NN.
Thursday 11th
The New Moon in Capricorn sets the tone for the new year. Capricorn teaches us to look forward, work towards a goal, and to continue forging your path in the world. This new moon is paired with a trine to Uranus which helps to open our minds up to far reaching possibilities. By utilizing your imagination, you are able to first visualize your goal which helps to forge that into the subconscious before making it manifest in the natural world. Use this New Moon in Capricorn energy to make those changes and adjustments that will leave you feeling proud of the work you have done.
Moon trine Uranus rx, square NN, New Moon Capricorn at 3:57 am, sextile Neptune, conjunct Pluto, Moon > Aquarius at 7:01 pm Venus trine Chiron.
Friday 12th
This is a great day for financial planning and goal setting. Mars in Capricorn gives us an additional boost of energy to complete those tasks that at one point seemed too daunting to tackle. Jupiter in the practical earth sign teaches us the value of what we have and how to take care of our personal belongings in order to preserve its value. We may learn some important or helpful information that will help us to get a leg up in the financial rat race.
Moon square Jupiter, sextile Chiron, sextile Venus, Mars trine Jupiter.
Saturday 13th
The Moon is void of course for a long time today, approximately 17 hours and that is significant because when the moon goes void of course, it means that she is not tethered to anything and the last aspect that she makes to a planet becomes the general energy that she carries with her throughout the day. With that, her last aspect is a hard one to Uranus, we may be feeling a bit emotionally chaotic and finding it challenging to really know how we are feeling at any given moment. An abrupt need for change or new direction can take over as well. During voc times, its best to not have high expectations especially with response times in communication.
Moon square Uranus rx, sextile NN, voc from 1:59 am – 7:28 pm, Moon > Pisces at 7:29 pm, sextile Mercury Mercury > Capricorn.
Sunday 14th
Today we get a bit of a wakeup call, some sobering information or realizations that is potent for self-development. Knowing about the why and how our subconscious mind works is important to be able to make choices based off of free will rather than deeply engrained fear, shame, or guilt. Purge whatever guilt that remains from a past event and dissect its origins.
Moon conjunct Saturn, sextile Jupiter, sextile Mars Venus trine NN.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by: Evelyn Zuel