Mercury Enters Capricorn

Mercury enters Capricorn
13th PST 18:50 / 14th AEST 13:50
Mercury enters Capricorn today, crossing into territory last transited on December 22/23, 2023. Although Mercury will not exit its post-retrograde shadow until January 20/21, you are probably noticing that mental clarity and concentration have returned by degrees. No longer are you constantly at the mercy of interruptions or distractions. With all planets direct until Mercury’s *next* retrograde begins on April 1/2, we have some major momentum now.
Mercury will complete two retrograde “stories” in the coming days through its aspects to Neptune and Jupiter, both of which have been detailed on the blog in the post titled “Mercury Stations Direct”. With the technical stuff out of the way, we can focus on a more important question: what’s *really* on your mind right now? What ideas are percolating? What are you striving for?
We bet that your priorities are much different today than they were a month ago. Mercury’s transit through Capricorn shifts the collective focus to acquiring useful information, strategizing, and skill-building. You’re getting serious about something. What’s your objective? Because Mercury is never more than one sign away from the sun, and the sun is in Capricorn this time every year, January tends to be a moment to define our legacy. Conversations with friends or family can help us to map out a practical agenda for achieving milestones. Using methodology to make magic happen is exactly what Mercury in Capricorn is *for*.
One word of warning: refuse to let pessimism take over. The sober Mercury in Capricorn mindset can quickly devolve into cynicism if our plans run afoul. If you find yourself becoming bogged down by responsibilities, remind yourself that you have built the ticking clock that you now see as a prison. Realistically, you have all the time you need to accomplish what you’ve set out to do.
Mercury will transit Capricorn until February 4/5.
Written by Nyssa Grazda