Week Ahead Transits: 8 - 14 April

Week ahead transits 8 - 14 April
All times calculated for PST: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = 18° 56’ Aries – 25° 48’ Aries
Moon = Aries - Cancer
Mars conjuncts Saturn in Pisces two days after the Eclipse and this can be a moment of realization that comes into the foreground of what is and is not possible. Saturn puts a halt to or boundaries arounds what Mars is able or willing to do. It could feel like we are getting a cosmic red light in all directions, but let this be a moment of pause wherein you take a serious look before taking the leap. Saturn in Pisces has been shifting our views around health and wellness regarding the subconscious mind, some have noticed a change in the substances that they are ingesting and what medications/recreational drugs have been either helping or hindering the ability to think clearly. This is Saturn helping us to see the reality of our distractibility and to become more serious about where and how we spend our focus/unconscious mind.
Mercury rx conjuncts the Sun just a day after the Mars Saturn conjunction, bridging a gap in communication where there may have been confusion and misunderstandings. Mercury is entering its morning star phase as the bringer of divine wisdom which functions as a pandora’s box for the collective psyche. Once the information has come out, there is no putting it back where it came. With wisdom and knowledge comes great power which ultimately leads to greater responsibilities. You know what they say, “curiosity killed the cat” but as long as you have eight more lives, what harm does it do?
Monday 8th
It’s Eclipse day! With how intense the energies are today, we all may feel the need to keep a low profile if that is at all possible. But also it is a wonderful time to activate the fire house within and ignite the passionate embers that will continue to burn throughout the year. Some say that it’s not advisable to manifest during an eclipse but it is always a potent time for meditation and prayer. The connection with Chiron is helping us to heal a deep wound within ourselves today and it may not be exactly apparent what that wound is on this day but keep an ear to the body, mind and spirit and it will be made known within the next couple of weeks.
Tuesday 9th
The Moon enters Taurus today and makes a difficult aspect to Pluto forcing us out of our comfort zone. This is the day to implement the changes needed for you to create more stability and predictability in your life. The cravings may be high today as Pluto activates our needs and desires regarding pleasurable experiences so this is also a good day to combat any addictive patterns and behaviors. All in all, going deep, going within and sitting with the self to nurture growth is a wonderful way to spend the day.
Wednesday 10th
Mars in Pisces is the freedom fighter, the one who roots for the underdog and makes it a part of their mission to heal all the ills of the world. The Mars and Saturn conjunction today puts a lot of focus on how we are standing up for ourselves and those who are less fortunate around us. If there has been a mentality of victimhood where there should be none, Saturn will put the justice where it belongs. Today we may start or stop a course of action that is very important and pronounced which will lead to better health in the long run.
Thursday 11th
The information is flowing and it’s a good day to talk about everything that had transpired during the Aries Eclipse now that there has been enough time for the experience to percolate. The Moon enters Gemini and also trines Pluto today which helps us to see more clearly the information and data that we need in order to process what it is that we are thinking. Some information may come to light that is important and very needed.
Friday 12th
A question comes to surface, “Now what do you do?”. Sometimes having a sense of humor about it all is the medicine that is needed. Spend the day seeing how ridiculous it can be to take life too seriously. Spend time finding the lightness in the dark and balance out any heaviness with brevity.
Saturday 13th
The impact of our emotions comes through today with the Moon entering Cancer. We may be feeling more reserved, moody and needy for care. If you have been taking care of yourself up until now you may feel inclined to take care of someone else who needs it. But if you haven’t been able to fully show up in a healthy way, it may be time to reach out and ask for some assistance. We’re all here to lift each other up and the Moon in Cancer helps us to open up to our nurturing side.
Sunday 14th
Feeling pulled to take care of the home and family needs today, we can feel a bit of pressure from loved ones to bend our emotional sphere to encapsulate them. Moon is trine Mars and receiving a well of energy to pull from. You may feel like you are on rocket fuel, ready to launch into multiple different directions, take on any battle. We are coming up to the first quarter square after the eclipse so the energy is culminating within us to get out and fight for what we want in life.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel