Week Ahead Transits: 15 - 21 April

Week ahead transits 15 - 21 April
All times calculated for PST: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = 25° 48’ Aries - 2° 38' Taurus
Moon = Cancer - Libra
Monday 15th
Today is dramatic with the Moon requiring all of our attention from her position in Leo. There is a flare for optics, theater, music and expression. Getting creative and thinking outside of the box is a prerequisite for today as Mercury and the Moon square one another. On another note, this is the first quarter moon after the eclipse so the thoughts, actions and plans that were planted a week ago will begin to poke their budding heads above the ground of the subconscious.
Tuesday 16th
Well a strange day with no aspects! Today will be mainly influenced by yesterday with the first quarter moon after the eclipse bringing up more of the New Moon themes that were planted a week ago. This could be a good day for self-reflection and quiet contemplation. Take this time to journal your thoughts with whatever comes up, there have been a boat load of change and transitions for many people so today will be a good day to write it all down and get the mind clear.
Wednesday 17th
There is an abundance of love available to us with Venus and the Moon making a trine aspect, softening our hearts. We can take this opportunity to feel into the feminine receptive side, accessing the parts of us that feel most vulnerable with others and dare to open up and let someone else into our inner landscape. Venus and Chiron offer up an opportunity to heal the heart so if there has been an aching within, today is a great day to mend the wound.
Thursday 18th
There is lightness and clarity today with the Sun and Moon moving into harmony in the fire signs Aries and Leo, just before the Moon enters Virgo. Today can feel like a really productive day as we become more focused and aware of what it is that needs to get taken care of in our daily lives. The Moon in Virgo gets us amped up for tasks of cleaning, organizing and fulfilling those minor deeds that have been left undone.
Friday 19th
'Tis a new astrological season today! We enter the sign of the bull as the Sun ingresses into Taurus. There are many aspects happening today as well, with Venus and Mercury joining energies, along with Mars and Uranus making a sextile. There can be a lot of change that is welcome and it feels like a fresh start to a new era. We may receive some information that is quite important to hear, especially regarding relationships and collaborations.
Saturday 20th
Jupiter and Uranus conjunct today, which is a huge astrological leap into an unknown era. These two meet every twelve years and when they do, there is typically a big shift in philosophy/way of thinking among the collective. Our belief systems go through a radical change/upgrade/evolution and the way that we relate to one another, along with our material realm will also be shifting. This is a good day to consider your relationship to money/finance and make any adjustments that are needed in order to secure a bright future.
Sunday 21st
We are pushing through any darkness and illuminating what has been hidden within our ability to connect with others. Make time to acknowledge how much you have changed and evolved throughout your life and see how abundant you are in the area of love. If you feel like you could use more love/affection, today is the day to access the information you need from within your own being in order to identify how or why there may be a block. If there is no block, then it is a lovely time to push the envelope and put your heart on your sleeve!
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel