Venus Enters Aries

Venus enters Aries
4th PST 21:00 / 5th AEDT 15:00
Venus enters Aries today, turning heads and stirring hearts. Over the next three and a half weeks, fresh romantic interests captivate. The current cosmic weather may be fraught, but this transit introduces a different energy, one of promise and possibility.
Last week’s Libra Lunar Eclipse answered to Venus in Pisces, emphasizing relational nostalgia as a catalytic agent. A trip down memory lane was valuable in that it illuminated our evolving priorities. Something had to be put to bed, completed or compartmentalized as symbolic of a past that required resolution rather than resurrection. Venus’ Arian ingress illustrates that we are already beginning to detach from such saccharine sentiments. (The upcoming Aries solar eclipse will be lorded over by *Mars* in Pisces – we might consider what conquests merit surrender here as well.)
With Venus in Aries, it is out with the old and in with the new! That includes your prescriptive notions of what love is “supposed” to look like. If you’re someone who seems to have a standard type, physically or emotionally, expect this assumption to be tested in the coming days. What piques your passions is about to change. At the very least, settling for the bare minimum will no longer carry the same appeal it once did. Following Venus’ alignment with the lunar North Node on April 17/18, self-love becomes our chief concern, the font from which all suitable relationships will spring. Explore your options and play the field. Just bear in mind that there are real people on the other end of your gaze who also have feelings, and move accordingly. Honesty is the best policy now, and it should be leveraged not only when your feelings wax, but when they wane. Taking accountability for your light also means leaving no one else in the dark.
Written by Nyssa Grazda