Week Ahead Transits: 5 - 11 February

Week ahead transits 5 – 11 February
All times calculated for PDT: UTC -08:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = 15° 59 Aquarius – 23° 5’ Aquarius
Moon = Sagittarius - Pisces
Monday 5th
We are anxious to overcome hurdles within our relationships and to squash issues and situations once and for all. Venus and Chiron meet up to create a dynamic situation where we have to adjust our expectations of the people that we love. We may be more able to see someone’s limitations and have to push through any upset in order to access empathy for them and the situation. Pluto and Mercury are linked today, eliminating old ideologies that have remained stagnant and time wasters. This is the day to be very mindful of the thoughts that you tell yourself and to not fully identify with them as truth because the Pluto is acting as an enema of the mind and flushing out the toxic waste.
Moon sextile Sun, trine Chiron, trine NN, square Neptune, Venus square Chiron, Sun sextile Chiron, Mercury conjunct Pluto.
Tuesday 6th
Today we are conscious of what parts of our ego need to change in order to feel more fulfilled within our loving relationships. The Moon enters Capricorn today, stationing our emotional realms into the concrete and true. We may be feeling more rigid in our expressions compared to yesterday and wanting more structure in order to feel comfortable approaching new circumstances. There is an ego sensitivity today that is being brought up with the Moon in Cap and the Sun placement, try to not take things too personally.
Wednesday 7th
There can be some very interesting information that comes our way that will help us to make clear decisions in what direction to go in. Today is the time to make those radical adjustments in relationships for the purpose of a greater future. It is also a great day to make changes to diet, but especially with finances. A great new idea or opportunity can come through unexpectedly, either in the form of a business contract, relationship or idea that will help to build up confidence in the financial realm.
Thursday 8th
Moon enters Aquarius and initiates the New Moon energies. We may be feeling a bit internal, recluse and just needing time alone. The Moon conjuncts Pluto and can put us in a little bit of an existential tail spin. Don’t worry, this is just a part of the process for letting go and starting anew. Surrender to the tides and let yourself feel everything that your body is trying to tell you. The nervous system may be activated today as well and so making sure to comfort yourself in ways that feel nurturing and safe is of high importance.
Friday 9th
A good journal prompt for the New Moon in Aquarius is to ask yourself whether you have been a good friend to yourself or not. If you feel that you haven’t been a good friend to yourself then this is a great time to question why you are a better friend to others than you are to you. See where you can show up for yourself more often and make a pledge to enact the same kindness and compassion that you show to others to your inner self.
Saturday 10th
The Moon moves into Pisces and we are now at the point of assimilating all of the New Moon themes that had come up for us over the last couple of days. We may be getting mixed messages from outside ourselves, so be very wary of news, media and any other collective jibber-jabber that doesn’t feed the soul – if that is at all possible. If that is not possible, try to be discerning with your energy and protect your psyche from extremism. The Moon in Pisces makes us all a little bit more susceptible to the collective influences and our sensitivities are heightened. This may also be a good day to explore new areas of belief through other religious practices and systems that can help bring some comfort and ease.
Sunday 11th
Today is a mild day energetically, especially compared to the last few days. Let yourself flow and bask in the Venusian and Neptunian realms of art and inspiration. A pleasant day for recalibration, grounding and cup-refilling.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel