Mercury Enters Aquarius

Mercury Enters Aquarius
4th PST 21:10 / 5th AEST 4:10
Mercury enters the sign of Aquarius today, where it will transit until February 22/23. Mercury’s movements govern our style of correspondence, and the Water Bearer’s domain is one of futuristic speculations, rejected knowledge, and information considered advanced, unusual or bizarre. So don’t be surprised if conversations trend into weird topics in the coming days!
This transit emphasizes the importance of objectivity, helping us to trade ideas without taking offense at others’ perspectives. However, Mercury in Aquarius can also cause our intellectual faculties to become scattered. While we might adopt a progressive stance or take a chance on a new vision, linear thinking is not our forte now. A good concept can suffer from slap-dash execution or the assumption that we can “fix it in post”.
Be especially mindful of fragmentation during the following dates: tomorrow, Mercury will cross paths with Pluto in Aquarius, exposing secrets and intensifying interactions. It will also square Jupiter on February 10/11 and Uranus on February 16/17, impeding concentration.
In the tarot, Mercury in Aquarius corresponds to the 6 of Swords, symbolic of overcoming challenges and gaining forward momentum. Yet while the weeks ahead can function as a turning point in your mission, it can also be a moment when you’re emerging from a period of concentrated stress. As a result, the insights received should be both celebrated as victories AND taken with a grain of salt. You might achieve long-sought breakthroughs via research and reasoned experimentation, but this month’s discoveries are only the tip of the iceberg. Don't get too comfortable. The perceived stability is precarious and today’s “solutions” are subject to change. For now, let being content with your progress be enough!
Written by Nyssa Grazda