Week Ahead Transits: 12 - 18 February

Week ahead transits 12 – 18 February
All times calculated for PDT: UTC -08:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = 23° 5’ Aquarius – 0° 9’ Pisces
Moon = Pisces - Cancer
Monday 12th
There is clarity available and we can take actions that we know we will feel good about later on. The process is being set up, with Mars in the last bits of Capricorn today before it moves into Aquarius later in the evening (Pacific Time). The Mars shift into Aquarius gets us out of the one track mind and opens doors to new sets of standards. We may feel a bit off-kilter for a little bit while Mars situates itself and become familiar with the new territory. If you are starting a new project or a new friendship/entering into a new group, this will be a great opportunity to put your best new foot forward.
Moon sextile Mars, Moon > Aries at 5:25 am, sextile Pluto, Mars > Aquarius at 10:05 pm.
Tuesday 13th
The energy for the day feels a little intense, but constructive and healing. There is support from the Moon, Chiron and Pluto to start something new, to usher in a new era into your realm. Mars enters Aquarius today while also connecting with Pluto, which feels like a new version of something old beginning to take shape. It is a new understanding and realization of how to begin communicating with others and with the group. Some of us may take the first steps towards changing how we show up in our community or friend group. There is a healing process that happens.
Wednesday 14th
Well it's Valentine’s day here in the US and just in time for the Moon to situate herself into the sensual, ultra femme sign of Taurus. This is not a traditional day for love however, as the Moon in Taurus makes a square to Mars creating a deep need and desire for intimacy to the point where we consciously change the way in which we seek it out. We may even surprise ourselves with how forward or upfront we are with our needs and wants, opting to indulge in alternative ways that we normally wouldn’t. Perhaps we skip the idea of a romantic connection all together and opt for the comradery of friendship.
Thursday 15th
Some information from the ethers or the collective come into view that challenges our comforts. We may be feeling a little anxious engaging in certain conversations, but ride the wave for as long as you can because Mercury in Aquarius is helping us to see how our orthodox ways keep us sheltered in stagnancy. Convenience is challenged. Our feelings are changing and since emotions live in the body, that means that we are also changing our relationship with our physical vessels. Learning how emotions are stored in the body can help to bring out more body-mind awareness.
Friday 16th
We cannot stop talking. The chatter is on full blast and all we want to do is dig into the current information, news and tea. Venus enters Aquarius today and is released from the cold damp hands of Capricorn, which leaves us feeling like a born again, queer baby exploring a new identity within the world. Get out there, go mingle, change up the scenery and find some new fish to fry. Moon in Gemini can make anyone a little listless and in need of some good chats, tunes and adventure.
Saturday 17th
Venus goes through the same initiation that Mars did just a couple of days ago with Pluto, this can initiate a new set of eyes for the people places and things in our lives. It might be time to bite the bullet and wear that skirt, those pants or that entirely different style top that you never thought that you would wear TODAY. Our capacity to love and be loved meets us on the other side of the car wash and we release old ways of showing up in relationships. There is a renewed sense of independence that should certainly be embraced.
Sunday 18th
We can work on compassion and love for our fellow humans today with the Moon ingressing into watery Cancer, along with the Sun shifting into Pisces. The emotions are flowing! The best way to contain this flow is to offer our understanding and sympathy to those that seek solace. Maybe its you that needs to be comforted and the support is right around the corner. All one has to do is reach out and ask.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel