Week Ahead Transits 4 - 10 November

Week ahead transits 4 - 10 November
All times calculated for PST: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = Scorpio 12° 21’ – Scorpio 19° 25’
Moon = Sagittarius - Pisces
A relatively quiet week, Mercury enters its shadow period in Sagittarius before it stations retrograde on the 26th November. During the shadow period, which is about two weeks before the retrograde phase begins, Mercury’s speed incrementally slows down each day. While Mercury is slowing down, mental faculties and logistical abilities coalesce with the planet’s speed, gradually calming the collective’s mental engine. Mercury retrograde later in the month might actually be a welcomed event this time around as the amount of conversations around politics, religion, global interests, travel, belief systems has been berating the airwaves. There are of course important and crucial discussions that need to be had about certain global issues but when it comes to the day to day garble that we engage with, we become less and less interested in hearing the redundant filler.
There is a flareup on Thursday. The Moon travels through Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, activating the first quarter moon in Aquarius at 17° 20’. For those of you who have planets or notable points between 15°-20° Aquarius or any of the fixed signs (Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Aquarius), an inner tension can ensue, marking a need for an internal adjustment within the social spheres. A rebellion deep within grows and becomes undeniable, determining what to do with this newfound energy of insurrection is the question the first quarter moon poses. Adhering to frivolous and antiquated rules for the sake of maintaining a status quo does not sit well with us. The frustration of feeling stuck or trapped in a situation that you have no control over calls forth the creative ambition that is needed to crusade against apathy. Loyalties can alter over time but the Aquarian quarter moon may also dig its heels in deeper just to prove a point. The devil needs no advocates but we may find ourselves arguing against points that we ourselves once viewed as truth. As the Moon moves along and finds herself in the sanctuary of Pisces, the week unfolds with much less drama than the week before, offering a time to reflect and make mental adjustments.
Monday 4th
Ambivalence who? Moon in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter is amping up everyone’s mood to an unusual optimism and virtuous generosity. Everyone’s opinion has a righteous undertone as the Moon conjuncts Venus and emphasizes the need for individual freedom. Today, less is less and more is never enough. Jupiter engulfs us in a feeding frenzy for all that sustains us; food, facts and fun. This lasts for a short minute, however and the senses return to reasonable standards when the Sun in analytical Scorpio meets with Saturn in visionary Pisces rooting us in a space of determination, responsibility and patience.
Moon opposite Jupiter, trine Chiron rx, conjunct Venus, Sun trine Saturn rx.
Tuesday 5th
It’s hard to pay attention when the Moon and Neptune see each other from a square perspective. Energy is waning and a fog or fatigue may be cast over our eyes. The Moon enters Capricorn and then forces a decision or a reckoning which illuminates the need for an adjustment with how we envision the future. New plans are discussed, possibilities are thrown into the air and opportunities allow for a synchronistic union out of dumb luck. Strike while the iron is hot.
Moon square Neptune rx, Moon > Capricorn at 7:17 am, square NN.
Wednesday 6th
The discussion continues and now Mercury comes under the influence of the North and South Nodes, activating more inspired, lively debates about the future. Mercury in Sagittarius certainly has a few handbaskets full of opinions that it likes to doll out to anyone with a set of ears. Plenty of promises, dreams, ideals and visions of what’s to come are swirling amongst the collective, sticking to one’s individuated beliefs proves to be a challenge.
Moon sextile Saturn rx, sextile Sun, square Chiron rx, Mercury trine NN.
Thursday 7th
There is a formidable direction that the collective conversation seems to be headed – the Moon trines Uranus offering up some unified perspectives and shared human experiences. The energy within each subculture is abuzz. The Aquarian utopian/dystopian dream is within reach but what’s most noticeable is the movement with collective efforts. The Moon enters Aquarius and then opposes Mars forcing confrontations and clashes within groups of friends, society, family etc. We witness flare ups of irritability from the volatile Mars in Leo. This is a time to connect with people rather than isolate but not out of a rejection of another… as hard as it may be.
Moon trine Uranus rx, sextile Neptune rx, conjunct Pluto, Moon > Aquarius at 2:57 pm, opposite Mars.
Friday 8th
The first quarter Moon activates an inner dilemma wherein we must choose to either allow a new perspective to change our way of thinking or reject it all completely. Where we choose to place ourselves amongst society and friends is a continual topic of conversation. Sitting with curiosity isn’t the Aquarian’s strongest attribute but with Jupiter in Gemini forming a trine to the Moon throughout the day and into tomorrow, a greater outlook can be harnessed.
Moon sextile NN, sextile Mercury, square Sun at 9:55 pm at 17°20’ Aquarius.
Saturday 9th
Sitting and waiting in anticipation for something to happen so we fill in the gaps with fantasy and imagination, seeking that in new story forms, discourse and dialogue sets up the majority of the day. The Moon ingresses into Pisces inviting an air of mystique and fantasy. The change in perspective comes into fruition when we find ourselves toeing the line. Moon trine Jupiter has us feeling internally confident though we are still discovering what that will eventually look like in practice.
Moon trine Jupiter rx, sextile Chiron rx, square Uranus rx, sextile Venus, Moon > Pisces at 7:59 pm.
Sunday 10th
The Moon meets with some strong opinions that Mercury in Sagittarius is incapable of holding inside, however flagrant it may be, it will actually be useful to hear. This could even come in the form of a personal discussion with oneself or overhearing a conversation in public, the way that the transit manifest can also be symbolic. We will however be able to feel the force of Saturn, reminding us to maintain a firm grasp on our spirit’s truth.
Moon square Mercury, conjunct Saturn rx.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel