Mars Enters Leo

Mars Enters Leo
3rd PST 20:10 / 4th AEDT 15:10
Mars enters Leo for the remainder of the year. After stationing retrograde on December 6/7, the warrior planet will return to Cancer in retrograde motion during the second week of January.
The top callout for this transit is Mars’ opposition to Pluto. The first of their three passes occurred just hours before Mars’ ingress, with Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn. The next two oppositions will perfect on January 3 and April 26/27, 2025, with Mars in Leo and Pluto in Aquarius. At THIS moment, it may feel as though we have finally broken through tension that has been building for weeks. We now have some room to catch our breath and build an action plan, but be mindful that even our cleverest schemes will have to be re-imagined shortly.
Mars in Leo amplifies passions, exacerbates the ego and makes tempers fiery. But it will take more than theatrics to win us a victory now and it’s also quite possible that we’re fighting for the wrong thing. As Mars and Pluto oppose, we grapple with an inferiority complex. Power looks good on someone else. It looks SO good that we want a taste of the action and we’re positioned to waste precious energy trying (and failing) to take what our opponent has. Yet how much of their supply has been earned either through channels that are not open to us or sacrifices that we would never volunteer to make? Going a step further, how much of their power is a trick of the light? Before you go wishing for another’s wealth, success or influence, consider what they may have had to do to get it. Perhaps we would be wise to appreciate our current status and the creative options it affords us. In the coming days, make sure that you are chasing your own desires and not a mirage.
Written by Nyssa Grazda