Week Ahead Transits 3 - 9 February

Week ahead transits 3 - 9 February
All times calculated for PST: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = Aquarius 14° 44 – Aquarius 21° 49’
Moon = Aries – Cancer
This week the Sun transits through the second decan of Aquarius and builds off the previous New Moon agenda through a first quarter square with the Moon. The second decan of Aquarius has us figuring out what exactly it is that we need to begin letting go of on an intellectual level. A natural evolution of consciousness involves a process of upgrading previous information with new knowledge. When was the last time you sorted through all of the files on your computer and discarded the old notes, photos, videos and links that are just sitting around taking up precious hard drive space? Consider this week as the perfect time to reconfigure the hard drive of your mind by letting go of old pieces of information, phone numbers, small impasses and social cues that are no longer relevant to the current moment.
Through Aquarius, the Sun explores the importance of maintaining an recuperating social cues that inform where we are placed in a societal framework. This goes along with friendships, social media platforms, local group engagements etc. How we show up within our larger network of friends and how we choose to be represented are themes of the week. The first quarter square puts the Moon in Taurus, the fixed square between Aquarius and Taurus works to establish social security amongst friends. Not all humans are social beings and there are many who thrive on social isolation, but this week we may see a shift in philosophy around whether social interactions are a positive or a negative for both sides of the aisle. It’s important to push oneself into new areas of society in order to grow and evolve one’s worldview, the first quarter moon may open up some pathways for such explorations.
Through Aquarius, the Sun explores the importance of maintaining an recuperating social cues that inform where we are placed in a societal framework. This goes along with friendships, social media platforms, local group engagements etc. How we show up within our larger network of friends and how we choose to be represented are themes of the week. The first quarter square puts the Moon in Taurus, the fixed square between Aquarius and Taurus works to establish social security amongst friends. Not all humans are social beings and there are many who thrive on social isolation, but this week we may see a shift in philosophy around whether social interactions are a positive or a negative for both sides of the aisle. It’s important to push oneself into new areas of society in order to grow and evolve one’s worldview, the first quarter moon may open up some pathways for such explorations.
Venus ingress into Aries on the 3rd/4th, punching the speed on love up a notch. A new fervor to find and acquire eros is noticeable this week and that influences the human realms to abandon traditional gender roles and see the feminine as a her warrior self, Artemis, the goddess of the hunt. The Greek Goddess is often seen as an unattainable, independent and chaste. She is the twin sister of Apollo and lives in the forests and mountains amongst the wood nymphs. With bow and arrow at hand, she is presented in myth as the hunter in the woods. She is one of the main three Greek virgin goddesses along with Athena and Hestia, and preferred to remain unmarried, sovereign and self-governed. We can explore themes of the independent feminine spirit while Venus travels through the cardinal fire sign Aries, which brings forth courageous self-resilience.
Jupiter stations direct at 11°16’ Gemini. Holy hell has Jupiter rx been rough on the economic outlook over the holidays! Even though major companies have had all-time highs in sales, the local economy has been taking a hit. So with Jupiter pulling a direct motion, funds open up by way of consumers become better informed of alternative businesses. Solutions start flowing through for how to navigate local governing, communications and transportation. Educated individuals with prominent levels of expertise poke through the woodwork as well as reputable journalists/those who disseminate information. Awareness of communications and marketing practices come to surface and the power of information is made available in some areas. On a side note, has anyone else been getting increasingly annoyed with the lack of information that is offered through customer service? It seems as though the scripts that they are relegated to and the AI responses aren’t cutting it. Jupiter stationing direct in Gemini is a coming back to common sense, wisdom that can’t be taught but only learned through lived experience. Jupiter’s direct motion is a much welcomed return to good judgment.
Monday 3rd
The day is popping off with Venus entering Aries, heating up the scene with a newfound spark of ambition. Mercury and Jupiter are in flow, opening up visions of a new future with open source communication, easy access to information and a flow of ideas. The collective comes together in tandem to work out a social problem and there seems to be an understanding. Meanwhile Mars squares Chiron allowing us to identify what the real problems have been that were plaguing any sense of inner peace and comfort. Moon enters Taurus just before making a square to Pluto, forcing a pause from all activity in order to gain steady footing.
Moon conjunct Chiron, square Mars rx, voc for 17H14M, Moon -> Taurus, square Pluto Mercury trine Jupiter rx, Mars rx square Chiron, Venus > Aries at 11:56pm PST.
Tuesday 4th
Jupiter stations direct in Gemini! We are faced with having to confront our personal views that have changed since Jupiter stationed retrograde on October 8th. Talking points and accessible information have shifted and we have now developed a new philosophy on how to communicate with people within close proximity i.e. friends, community members, local authority. Moon squares Mercury, emphasizing the need to redirect the mind in some way, shifting how we first connect with ourselves and bodies. This can be an awareness of how collective communication affects us physically and whether it is a positive experience or one of discomfort.
Moon square Mercury, Jupiter stations direct.
Wednesday 5th
The first quarter Moon hits today with the Sun in Aquarius and the Moon in Taurus as the Moon also conjuncts Uranus a bit later on. Fissures within the stability of certain platonic relationships can appear where an adjustment needs to be made. The timing will be just right and all necessary elements seem to fall into place. Moon enters Gemini adapting endurance levels for more social stamina.
Moon square Sun, sextile Saturn, sextile Mars rx, conjunct Uranus, sextile Neptune, sextile NN, Moon > Gemini.
Thursday 6th
Big emotions come through in our communication today leaving constructive groundwork to be done in rehabilitation. Moon sextile Venus brings in a little boost of confidence and grace through the form of words and storytelling. We can find harmony and general ease through the influence of Venus. Neptune conjuncts the North Node of the Moon, guiding a new era of spiritual understanding through the ethers of the collective. A mystical or spiritual experience that can’t be explained influences the outlook onto the future.
Moon sextile Venus, trine Pluto, conjunct Jupiter, NN conjunct Neptune.
Friday 7th
We have the space and the energy to get our social lives in order with directives to utilize the information that is already available. It’s easy to deduce how to navigate an uncertain outcome by remaining flexible and eager to learn. Through curiosity, we are afforded a way to understand the ego’s needs more distinctly. Venus sextile Pluto allows for a gentle transformation that is much needed through the egoic structures.
Moon trine Mercury, square Saturn, trine Sun, sextile Chiron, square NN, square Neptune, Venus sextile Pluto, Sun sextile Chiron.
Saturday 8th
Moon enters Cancer today and then squares Venus, which is in Aries. We’re feeling tender, a little raw and emotionally vulnerable today with the Moon’s association with Cancer the crab. Pinchers can come out if any notion of threat is detected and the target is our closest relationship. On the other hand, a jolt of feverish desire can penetrate leaving us in need of sensuality and tender connections. We can overspend of home goods or food out of a necessity or emotional security.
Moon > Cancer at 3:04am PST, square Venus, Mercury sextile Chiron.
Sunday 9th
Mercury is blinded today, the messenger of the gods crashes with the God of the gods, the Sun. This blend of consciousness and creation plants seeds of new intelligence, however we are unable to access this highly potent energy just yet. It will take a couple of days before Mercury’s influence is actualized through the Sun’s rays and penetrates the human collective consciousness. This is because Mercury’s knowledge is occulted by the light of the Sun and blocked for a short period of time. 'Where is my mind, oh where is my mind?' All action, no mental fortitude is a time for tomfoolery.
Moon conjunct Mars rx, trine Saturn, square Chiron, sextile Uranus, Mars rx trine Saturn, Mercury conjunct Sun.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel