Venus Enters Aries

Venus Enters Aries
3rd PST 11:57 PM / 4th AEDT 6:57 PM
Today Venus leaves the sign of its exaltation for the sign of its detriment. The sensation: waking from a romantic reverie and realizing that tangible things must happen for a relationship to be viable. Venus in Pisces lives within the dream; a beautiful place to exist. Yet, it is also one where we know intuitively that eventually, inevitably, we will have to let go of *something*. What that something *is* can be difficult to articulate. But most of the time it is not the lover itself that we must release, but an intangible idea, a wish. We let go of a belief in another’s perfection. We let go of the spiritual quality of a new love. We are forced to wake up, and in doing so, to part ways with the fantasy that survives free of time but now only exists in memory.
Venus in Aries creates space for love that uses time to its advantage. Venus in Aries can coexist with friction. Here is a Venus that embraces passion and accepts mess as part of the package deal. It wants reality, because it wants us to know we’re *alive*.
Venus in Aries is also not a tolerant Venus. Here, sure, we want to be adored, but we also know how to meet our own needs. Subsequently, we are better able to share our desires during this transit without fear that our authenticity will offend. There is very little image curation required of us in this territory, barring what we throw together for the initial seduction.
The question now is…do we know what we want? We may think so, but Venus begins its retrograde in a little over three weeks, and a return to Pisces (and the past) is promised. The more pointed question might be where did we err in the liminal? What have we failed to release, and are we willing to course-correct that error so we can embrace whole-hearted aliveness?
Written by Nyssa Grazda