Week Ahead Transits: 29 January - 4 February

Week ahead transits 29 January - 4 February
All times calculated for PDT: UTC -08:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = 8° 53’ Aquarius – 15° 59’ Aquarius
Moon = Virgo – Sagittarius
It is a quiet week, astrologically speaking, which is a nice reprieve after the Full Moon in Leo. The Sun travels through the last parts of the first decan and second decans of Aquarius, connecting us with the energies of the 6 of swords. The 6 of swords depicts a person rowing themselves and their kin through the waters on a canoe. We are navigating the seas of change and it is time to let the flow of life move us to where we need to go. The swords represent the mind, communication and social aspects of life. While the figures are in the boat, the swords are stuck to the bottom promising that if any one of the swords were to be plucked out of the boat, the passengers will surely sink. This also has to do with sticking to your word and holding your tongue for the sense of responsibility to others' emotions. Saying what needs to be said to elicit the process of moving on from one phase of life to the next.
The Moon travels through the signs Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius allowing us to process how we share our service, resources, time and knowledge. When the Moon is in Scorpio, it will square the Sun this week, activating the process for making changes in our emotional understanding of whatever situations we are navigating. The last quarter moon ushers in a short time where we are given tests from the external world which help us to identify themes that the new moon in Capricorn on the 11th initiated.
The notable transits for the week are the Mars trine Uranus on the 28th/29th and Mercury ingressing into Aquarius at the tail end of the week. When Mars and Uranus meet, they bring in unexpected innovation and movement. Mars will be in industrious Capricorn, which is highly impactful, motivated and ready to do the dirty work. Mars, making a trine to Uranus, will bring about a brilliant new way of moving forward with work and collaborative efforts. It is a great time for initiating positive changes in the area of life where Mars is transiting in your chart. See where late degree Capricorn is in your chart to identify what goals are currently being worked on.
Mercury ingresses into Aquarius at the very end of the week and this shifts our attention away from the fastidious nature of Capricorn into the open minded arena of Aquarius. We are not so focused on only talking about work, chores, responsibilities and what needs to get done on the to do list, but we are opening up to the need to share and communicate with our fellow peers to cocreate divine inspiration.
Monday 29th
Over the last 20 years, whenever the Moon enters Virgo it also opposes Neptune. Neptune will remain in Pisces for just another two years, so we are at the very end of this story between the Moon and Neptune through the Virgo/Pisces axis. This Astro pair brings up themes around health and wellness and each month we learn a bit more about what that means for us personally. Today we can take note of where we are on our wellness journey and make adjustments proactively to support our physical, mental, and spiritual health. Moon, Mars and Uranus make a grand earth trine today, activating a grounded and artistic approach to life. Many possibilities and avenues to explore!
Moon trine Mars, trine Uranus, trine Mercury, opposite Neptune, voc from 3:20 pm – 12:04 am next day, Mars trine Uranus.
Tuesday 30th
Moon shifts into Libra today, our sense of activism and justice is inspired. Pluto brings up what has been pushed way down into the unconscious and so we may get some deep insights around how we relate to our friends and acquaintance-type relationships. There may be some little annoyances in romantic partnerships or a heightened awareness of the minor details when it comes to our partners. A need to make adjustments to aesthetics or get inspired by art is on the agenda for today as well.
Wednesday 31st
Today we may find that we regress a bit in our relationships as the Moon opposes the NN and conjuncts the SN. We are digging into the past, focusing on old crap and in general just drudging things up that should be dead and buried by now. Don’t get stuck in reverse today and if you feel a nudge in that direction try to focus on the facts that are at hand.
Moon opposite Chiron, opposite NN, square Mars.
Thursday 1st
Again, the feistiness comes into play with Moon making a square to Mercury, we are now feeling much more agitated and need to get something off our chest. Dig into your artistic self today and use this energy as a way to explore your subconscious inner landscape through visual media. Due to the signs involved, we also may be feeling a strong pull to share our political beliefs and initiate dialogue around societal norms and issues. This is a good day to explore alternative news sources and media to find data and information that is factual and not biased.
Friday 2nd
Today is a day of getting needs met and feeling like we can’t get enough of the good things in life. Themes around consumption of food, substances, love, vices, or other dopamine boosters come into play. It is easier to identify for ourselves what is working and what is hindering our growth. There is a vision that is coming into view with Mercury sextile Neptune, use that to paint the future of your desires.
Saturday 3rd
We may be bouncing all over the place today with the Moon making an opposition to Uranus and a sextile to Mars. The energy around us can feel alive, heightened and energized. If you were expecting today to be a quiet walk in the park, then you went to the wrong venue. This is a great day for being active and letting all of that excess energy out!
Sunday 4th
Mercury enters Aquarius and meets up with Pluto tomorrow, so today we are sensing a change in our understanding of culture and friendships. Today, however, we are receiving the information that will help us to adjust and evolve our understanding of the collective. Mercury in Aquarius comes at situations with a scientific mind so we are less prone to emotional persuasion and much more rational while Mercury travels through the fixed air sign. Moon square Saturn further emphasis the need for a grounded and practical approach to the day and not feeling very open to having our inner worlds adjusted by outside forces.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel