Uranus Stations Direct

Uranus Stations Direct
26th PST 23:35 / 27th AEST 18:35
Today, Uranus, our planet of change and revolution, stations direct on Taurus’ 19th degree. Because Uranus is a distant planet with a long orbital period, it has been hovering on this same degree since December 10 2023 and it will remain here until March 13.
It is almost as though we are in the eye of the storm now, observing chaos or waiting for a shockwave to hit. This eerie energetic stillness may be provoking different sensations, depending on your personal astrological placements. You might be experiencing anxiety or apprehension. You might feel as though you're standing on the precipice of something exciting and new. You might question why you're precariously balancing something when you'd rather just let it fall apart. Most of all, you could be settling into an uncomfortable understanding of a certain ethos, political ideal or financial reality.
Uranus has been in retrograde motion since August 28/29 2023. In the ensuing months, the impulse has been to interrogate our beliefs, ideals and authority figures. Although Uranus’ retrogrades are longer-lasting, with revelations lacking the instant 1-2 punch of a Mercury retrograde, Uranus alchemizes awareness on a much deeper level – triggering shocks, spiritual awakenings and shifts in consciousness.
As Uranus stations direct, something that has only been inwardly perceptible is about to make itself known on a grander scale. You may be increasingly compelled to rebel. Destructive urges can stir within. Electric energies will continue to coalesce until mid-March, when Uranus finally slips off Taurus’ 19th degree and picks up speed, initiating the REAL breakthrough.
Uranus will be direct until September 1/2.
Written by Nyssa Grazda