Week Ahead Transits 27 January - 2 February

Week ahead transits 27 January - 2 February
All times calculated for PST: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = Aquarius 7° 37’ – Aquarius 14° 44
Moon = Capricorn – Aries
This week the New Moon in Aquarius inspires us to be more present within our friendships and associations, preparing a new way of relating to the masses. New Moons are often a time when we retreat inward to process and purge, in order to make room for what’s to come. However, this New Moon is fed with some rather inspiring aspects which push us into new territory through fresh alliances and bonds.
A big shift is happening which feels like a major awakening around the world, the need to discuss societal issues and bring underlying equality discourse back to the foreground is paramount to the evolution of human consciousness. We are in dire need of inspired communicators and to raise up the voices who have been tirelessly fighting for the collective’s rights to exist free of discrimination. Uranus stations direct this week as well, bringing with it a focused and unified voice for reason. The benefit of Aquarius has always been the ability to properly disconnect emotionally from a situation in order to see it for its objective truth. Taking out the 'I' in any given scenario shows a profound dignity that develops through empathy alone.
Aquarius’ nature to view all as equal, but unique parts of a whole, emphasizes the importance of variety. Uranus stationing direct is like the amoeba that had developed a genetic deformity and finding out that the deformity is actually an incredibly important evolutionary step towards continuing its species. We will begin to see how a once menial societal growth is now an incredibly important piece of the evolutionary process of the human form. The New Moon in Aquarius will emphasize how imperative it is to protect and nurture all anomalies within the human gene code.
A big shift is happening which feels like a major awakening around the world, the need to discuss societal issues and bring underlying equality discourse back to the foreground is paramount to the evolution of human consciousness. We are in dire need of inspired communicators and to raise up the voices who have been tirelessly fighting for the collective’s rights to exist free of discrimination. Uranus stations direct this week as well, bringing with it a focused and unified voice for reason. The benefit of Aquarius has always been the ability to properly disconnect emotionally from a situation in order to see it for its objective truth. Taking out the 'I' in any given scenario shows a profound dignity that develops through empathy alone.
Aquarius’ nature to view all as equal, but unique parts of a whole, emphasizes the importance of variety. Uranus stationing direct is like the amoeba that had developed a genetic deformity and finding out that the deformity is actually an incredibly important evolutionary step towards continuing its species. We will begin to see how a once menial societal growth is now an incredibly important piece of the evolutionary process of the human form. The New Moon in Aquarius will emphasize how imperative it is to protect and nurture all anomalies within the human gene code.
Mercury ingresses into Aquarius on Monday shifting our thinking from Capricornian pragmatism to out-of-the-box futurism. Post humanism is the marker for the Aquarian soul, and with Mercury sitting pretty in the sign of culture, it will be sussing out the ways that it can generate new, ingenious forms of mental clarity. Mercury will travel through Aquarius until February 14th and enter the fixed air sign with a bang! Mercury conjuncts the Moon and Pluto at the same time as it begins its journey of integrating the human intellect with consciousness. A burst of information comes flooding through a deeper space of ancestral wisdom which is to be spread throughout the networks. Mercury and Pluto together reveal just how wise we all are if we tap into the body’s rhythms with the Sun, Moon and Earth. We may receive information or just ‘know’ something before it happens, not understanding how or why we know something, but just that it feels very important. While Mercury travels through Aquarius, try and bend the way you think to incorporate more mystery.
Venus conjunct the North Node and Neptune at the same time this week setting us up for a heart opening event which will offer empathy and sympathy. Forgiveness is one of the only ways in which we are able to fully move on from a broken heart or a trespass from the past, and Venus connecting with Neptune and the North Node will aid in the process of moving on and letting go. We are also initiating a new way of accepting love, care and compassion. This is a grand opportunity to learn how to accept and receive divine love – unconditional love which is something that not all humans get to experience.
Unconditional love, to be loved no matter what you do or say. This iss a type of love that is only entrusted to our parents and the gods because it takes a strong heart to maintain its ability to love, even under extreme duress. Let’s consider what unconditional love is and what it has felt like so that we can aim to continue developing the heart and its capacity to love under excruciating circumstances.
Unconditional love, to be loved no matter what you do or say. This iss a type of love that is only entrusted to our parents and the gods because it takes a strong heart to maintain its ability to love, even under extreme duress. Let’s consider what unconditional love is and what it has felt like so that we can aim to continue developing the heart and its capacity to love under excruciating circumstances.
Monday 27th
Mercury enters Aquarius shifting the conscious mind towards elevating the collective voice. The individual need to be heard recedes into the importance of a louder, unified message. Moon opposite Mars has us weighing out the pros and cons of a specific action, mitigating the risk and the reward. When the needs of others are put before our own, then comes stronger mental clarity.
Moon sextile Saturn, square Chiron, opposite Mars rx, trine Uranus rx, Mercury > Aquarius at 6:52 pm.
Tuesday 28th
The Moon, Mercury and Pluto infuse their wit and regenerative charms through the archetype of Aquarius. A potent and impactful idea is seeded, which aims to connect individuals with each other during times of duress. Shared information is the topic of concern and a new way of reaching the group is abound. On a personal level we are deeply considering our own relationships with mass media of all sorts: social and news. This is a radical day.
Moon sextile Venus, sextile Neptune, sextile NN, Moon -> Aquarius at 11:31 am, conjunct Mercury, conjunct Pluto, Mercury conjunct Pluto.
Wednesday 29th
New Moon in Aquarius right after all of the conjunctions yesterday is bringing in an opportunity to do some deep magic for the collective. Focusing on how one person’s intentions can generate a ripple effect throughout society is the kind of inspiration we all need to continue fighting for equality and change. As the Moon enters Aquarius, we attune to those we have felt othered by, understanding their own innate sense of being othered themselves. It is the rejection of self that pits us against one another and Aquarius can teach us how to bring those discarded parts of ourselves closer in.
New Moon in Aquarius at 4:35 am, Moon trine Jupiter rx, sextile Chiron.
Thursday 30th
Uranus stations direct while the Moon squares it, putting much of the focus on finding where we feel the most at home and included. We seek friendships that help us to identify ourselves amongst a crowd. Sometimes the added sense of security by being a part of a larger network is all that requires confidence to push ourselves into new territory. Sun trine Jupiter brings a super highway of information at our fingertips. Craving all the knowledge to assimilate while the Moon enters Pisces is peak osmosis learning.
Moon square Uranus, Moon > Pisces at 2:52 pm, Uranus stations direct, Sun trine Jupiter rx.
Friday 31st
Some road blocks make it difficult to feel like efforts are duly respected. It can feel like all exertions are being thwarted. It may not be the appropriate time to push forward or to make progress because there is more wisdom to be garnered. It is a futile state to continue pushing a rock up a hill that makes one go mad. Saturn is gravity and the rock is our own egoic efforts. If something is pushing back, rather than wasting energy, take a step back and take a break. The answers will come at another time when the Moon has more freedom.
Moon square Jupiter rx, conjunct Saturn.
Saturday 1st
A stelium in Pisces ushers in a new form of divine mapping. Saturn, the Moon, Venus, Neptune and the North Node all in Pisces brings a massive gravitational pull of water to one area of life (and the land) where there needs to be a cleansing. A fresh start comes with radical acceptance of one’s life circumstances and relationships. Venus conjuncts Neptune and the NN, offering a massive heart healing through forgiveness.
Moon trine Mars rx, sextile Uranus, conjunct Neptune, conjunct NN, conjunct Venus, Moon > Aries at 5:09 pm, sextile Pluto, Venus conjunct Neptune, conjunct NN.
Sunday 2nd
A generally pleasant day where things just seem to go according to plan so long as we are initiating with instinct rather than intellect. The 'just do it' slogan couldn’t be more apropos as the Moon in Aries inspires one to take up passions and let desire lead the way. Practice following the gut throughout the day and witness the amount of serendipitous moments that unfold.
Moon sextile Mercury, sextile Jupiter rx, sextile Sun.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel