Week Ahead Transits 20 - 26 January

Week ahead transits 20 - 26 January
All times calculated for PST: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = Aquarius 0° 30’ – Aquarius 7° 37’
Moon = Libra – Capricorn
A last quarter square between the Moon in Sagittarius and the Sun in Aquarius is accompanied by a couple of other challenging aspects which push action and emotional release. The last quarter square in the two air and fire mutable signs trigger a release of static energy which can manifest in a sudden need for change of scenery. Where in your life this need for change dwells depends on the natal chart, but in general we can see shifts in friend groups or social networks based off one’s own political and spiritual beliefs. Shifting views of one’s ego through a third person perspective activates an honest conversation around where one stands in society based on cultural biases.
The Sun travels through the first decan of Aquarius and on its journey meets with the Lord of the Underworld, Pluto. The first decan of Aquarius sets us up to explore themes surrounding the 5 of Swords. This scene in the tarot depicts a figure holding three swords while the wind blows wildly around, he looks back to the people who sullenly walk in the opposite direction while two swords remain on the ground. Unfinished business is likely to come back for an end cap as well as conversations that were left with no conclusions. We build upon our communication skills with the help of Saturn and Venus in Pisces, leading our attention to the subtle places in life that leave us drained rather than rejuvenated.
The Sun travels through the first decan of Aquarius and on its journey meets with the Lord of the Underworld, Pluto. The first decan of Aquarius sets us up to explore themes surrounding the 5 of Swords. This scene in the tarot depicts a figure holding three swords while the wind blows wildly around, he looks back to the people who sullenly walk in the opposite direction while two swords remain on the ground. Unfinished business is likely to come back for an end cap as well as conversations that were left with no conclusions. We build upon our communication skills with the help of Saturn and Venus in Pisces, leading our attention to the subtle places in life that leave us drained rather than rejuvenated.
Uranus retrograde and Mars retrograde cause a bit of havoc with multiple aspects to Venus and Mercury throughout the week, stirring the pot to extract inefficiency out of the fray. Most of the aspects to Uranus are supporting us to challenge what we think we know about ourselves and any situation that we are navigating throughout the week. Thursday, Mars retrograde sextiles Uranus which is still retrograde. Mercury opposing Mars and trine Uranus expands our boundaries and flexibility regarding financial awareness and personal values within the collective.
The Moon travels through Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and ends the week in Capricorn. Our emotional realms will range from lively and chatty, to somber and serious so be prepared for the bipolar swings that encompass the Moon’s journey through social Libra, piercing Scorpio, optimistic Sagittarius and pragmatic Capricorn.
Monday 20th
A bit of a frustrating day, the Moon gets caught in between Mars retrograde in Cancer and Mercury in Capricorn, forcing us to balance between our own personal needs and the needs of siblings and co-workers. The Sun meets with Pluto tomorrow but we are feeling the waves beginning to arise today as the Moon moves in a void, leaving answers unknown for the time being. It might be best to wait it out rather than react at this time as all of the information may not be readily available. Just try and move through any discord with as much empathy and understanding as you can.
Moon square Mercury, opposite Chiron, square Mars rx, voc for 11 hours 47 minutes from 8:34 pm – 8:19 am following day.
Tuesday 21st
Another stressful day that brings up a lot of moving pieces and conjoining problems to solve. The Sun moves into a conjunction with Pluto, firing off a direct line to humble town. It’s important to go through the process of reevaluation regarding whether our egos are aligned with our deepest truth or not. When the Sun meets with Pluto, a seed of change is planted into our consciousness. The Moon squares Pluto and the Sun in this configuration, and in Scorpio no less, which emphasizes the themes of letting go and vulnerability. Mercury square Chiron puts pressure on the healing modality that we have been relying on thus far, testing the efficacy of the medicine.
Moon > Scorpio at 8:20 am, square Pluto, square Sun, Mercury square Chiron, Sun conjunct Pluto.
Wednesday 22nd
An appreciation for emotional vulnerability reveals how important being honest with ourselves is, and today, while the Moon in penetrating Scorpio trines Saturn in empathetic Pisces, an opportunity to learn an invaluable lesson regarding emotional boundaries shows face. Waiting until we are already burned out to post up the property line does little to help others understand what our needs are, but rather can get put off by the abrupt aggression towards self-preservation. Take today to investigate the subtle emotions of discomfort and become more sensitively attuned to your needs as it will help to train your perceptions to a finer awareness. A good day to sit in solitude and recuperate, rest and restore.
Moon trine Saturn.
Thursday 23rd
Another high voltage day with Mercury entering into a grand trine with Uranus and the South Node, while the Moon forms a grand trine with Mars retrograde and the South Node. A lot of doors are opening and closing, all while new information changes and alters the way that we view the past and the work that has been done already. The Moon guides us towards a new way of understanding ourselves and the universe around us, establishing a new way of integrating with the masses. There also appears to be a lot of energy involved in bringing about new technologies and spiritual practices to the general populace.
Moon trine Venus, sextile Mercury, trine Mars rx, opposite Uranus rx, trine Neptune, trine NN, Moon > Sagittarius ta 8:28 pm, Mars rx sextile Uranus rx, Mercury opposite Mars rx, trine Uranus rx.
Friday 24th
Our appetite for information and knowledge is insatiable today with the Moon in Sagittarius in opposition to Jupiter. While the Moon travels through Sagittarius we ponder the deeper meanings of life, whether or not we are truly alone and if not, how the future of co-habitation would look with interdimensional beings. The desire to reach intelligent life outside of our human scope is quite prominent in the collective for the short period while the Moon opposes Jupiter. Questions about the efficacy of the education system comes into view. A great day to push yourself beyond what you think you know, to experience first-hand new environments and cultures.
Moon sextile Pluto, sextile Sun, opposite Jupiter rx.
Saturday 25th
Though healing is the priority, the pain that it can sometimes cause is not welcomed today as the moon squares Venus and Saturn. Moon in Sagittarius would rather do things the easy way, KISS is the motto. But as the Moon makes contact with Saturn, we may realize that skipped steps only lead to more work in the end. We may feel a stirring to kick the responsibilities to the curb and let the mysteries of life take the reins through synchronistic ambitions. We’re following the signs even if we aren’t entirely sure where they will take us.
Moon square Saturn, trine Chiron, square Venus.
Sunday 26th
Alright, it’s time to get back to work as the reality of Capricorn sets in. The Moon squares Neptune leaving no room for the unknown, forcing a decision or movement into a direction whether we were ready for the decision or not. As the Moon migrates through the sturdy and scientific earth sign, it picks up important clues as to when and where our qualities and traits can be best utilized. Efficiency and pragmatic approaches wins over guesses and speculation.
Moon square Neptune, square NN, Moon > Capricorn at 5:42 am, Mercury sextile Neptune, sextile NN, Venus sextile Uranus rx.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel