Week Ahead Transits: 25 - 31 March

Week ahead transits 25 - 31 March
All times calculated for PST: UTC -08:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = 5° 7’ Aries – 12° 2’ Aries
Moon = Libra - Capricorn
The Sun semisquares Uranus, sextiles Pluto and conjuncts Neptune while the Moon trines Pluto. The only aspects we see from the Sun and Moon to other planetary bodies are to the outer planets Pluto, Neptune and Uranus. This gives us a clue into what the main themes will be around the Full Moon Eclipse since these planets govern how we as individuals navigate our relationship to the collective, the unconscious and the shadow self. These are major topics to grapple with and can elicit profound inquiries as to how we are to exist in the world while remaining connected to a massive network of people.
The Eclipse forms a true bucket shape in the sky with the South Node and the Moon holding significant weight, while all the other planetary bodies and luminaries rest together in the opposite side of the chart. This type of configuration emphasizes the main focus of the Moon in Libra – which is to balance and harmonize one’s emotional needs and desires with another. We may be trying to break free but can’t get rid of the fact that there are old debts to pay and judgements to face. Pluto makes a trine to the Moon, paving a path towards reclamation of one’s past in order to be freed up and move forward once and for all.
Monday 25th
This is a supercharged day, not only is it the first of two eclipses but the Sun and Moon are illuminating the first decan of Aries/Libra which is a hyperfocused energy. Whatever we are doing, we are sure to do it intensely and with a ton of ambition. The first decan of the cardinal signs fires us up with so much gusto it is impossible to contain. Themes around balancing our ambitions with past obligations come to surface and even though we may be ready to move forward and move on, there are still some cobwebs left in the closet to clean out. Don’t leave a mess where you eat because if you don’t make your bed now, when the New Moon Eclipse comes around there will be an extra pile of dirty laundry to clean up.
Tuesday 26th
The Moon is void of course for majority of the day after making an opposition with Mercury. This means that we can be left with information that puts us in a state of limbo without much direction or understanding of where to go next. Sit with the information and let it simmer. Like the 4 of swords, sometimes it’s best to let the situation parse itself out rather than take misguided action with half the data needed to make smart moves. We’re certainly going to be feeling like we need to do something though, so best plan of action is to PLAN the actionable steps.
Wednesday 27th
We now are able to disseminate the themes from the Full Moon into our psyche, to analyze and process what we had uncovered or released. The Moon moves into Scorpio and makes a square to Pluto, challenging us to open up about our true feelings. This is the emotional release that we need. It is paramount that we don’t hide from any shadow parts at this time because we’re still in the eclipse cycle, how we move and what we say causes larger ripple effects for us later on down the road.
Thursday 28th
Today there may be an opportunity for us to let go of previous biases around a person or group of people which opens up our network even wider. There may be circumstances that help us to see our fellow humans as one in the same but with just a different bag of traumas. We are able to compassionately resonate with people who we don’t directly identify with. If not that, then we are receiving messages in various ways on how to expand our judgements so that we don’t limit ourselves intellectually.
Friday 29th
Ready for an adventure, an opportunity for growth or anything that will push us to a higher level of understanding? This is a good day to tackle heavy projects or any complicated situations that come our way because we have the emphasis of the Moon in Sagittarius helping us find prospects in all the small places. We’re a little starry-eyed, idealistic and ready to shoot for the cosmos with our ambitions.
Saturday 30th
We’re crystalizing structures where we can adequately understand what our limits are. Without judgement or shame, today can be great for identifying where our personal boundaries lie. What areas of life could you do with a little extra responsibility? Would you like to get more serious about your health, work or schooling? Today would be a good time to acknowledge where you are still working on growing but also recognize how much you already have and use that as motivation to keep going.
Sunday 31st
Following the white rabbit is incredibly easy when we are being tantalized with juicy new forms of sharing and emoting. We’re on the hunt for deeper understanding and have an insatiable desire for more when it comes to personal experiences and passions. This can be a good day to let the mind wander into unplanned depths, and remain open to the potential of saying “yes” when normally you would say no. You’re curiosity knows no bounds.
Moon trine Chiron, square Venus, trine Mercury, square Neptune, Moon > Capricorn at 9:05 pm.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel