April Transits and Monthly Overview

We enter April at the halfway point between eclipses and Mercury is stationing retrograde right about…now. So, we have to do our astrological due diligence: are you getting enough sleep? Are you staying hydrated? These are this month’s self-care bare minimums, and if you have them covered, count your blessings, as you are among the fortunate. Although the first half of the month augurs communication breakdowns and clashes of will, the weather will start to ease once the sun enters Taurus. Notably, luck-planet Jupiter’s auspicious alignment with changemaker Uranus (their first meetup since 2011) promises to be one of the year’s major cosmic highlights.
April 1/2 – Mercury Retrograde: Mercury begins its three week backspin, exacerbating communication difficulties. Can you keep your cool while speaking your truth?
April 5 – Venus enters Aries: romances wax passionate…and tempestuous. Enjoy the thrill of the chase, but avoid leaving a trail of broken hearts in your wake!
April 19/20 – Sun enters Taurus: a balm for the soul post-eclipse season! Recuperate. Get grounded. Rebuild egoic security systems that went bust over the past month.
April 20/21 – Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus: surprises await! Keep an open mind. Sudden opportunities may be unexpected but they’ll also be exciting.
April 25/26 – Mercury direct: you’ve said what you’ve said and everyone’s better off for it – even if you’re currently picking up the pieces. Expect your social sphere to remain spicy for a minute.
April 30/May 1 – Mars enters Aries: do you really want that? Or do you just want to beat out your competition? Be bold but pick your battles. (Trust us, there will be plenty of battles to choose from now.)
Written by Nyssa Grazda