Week Ahead Transits: 22 - 28 July

Week ahead transits 22 - 28 July
All times calculated for PST: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = Cancer 29°58’ – Leo 6°39’
Moon = Aquarius – Taurus
Good bye Cancer season, hello Leo!
The Sun is radiating in all of its glory through its home sign, Leo. But first, before it can have complete freedom to courageously be who the Sun is meant to be, he must duel with Pluto at 0° Aquarius. When the Sun is in the sign of royalty there is much more attention devoted to the whereabouts, behaviors and representations of our world leaders. What they are discussing, talking about and who they are talking about it with is of utmost interest. It is no doubt that there is a lot of attention placed on our world leaders, as it seems with each passing day we may be closer and closer to a world war, so the nature of the Sun through Leo is quite revelatory for how the world is being forced to progress. Since the Sun meets with Pluto right as it enters Leo, this means that there is a global ego purge which is humbling to its core. The stronger one holds on to their sense of self (the Sun) the harder it is to disconnect from what no longer serves. Even though through Leo season we are meant to explore what it means to be an embodied being with full form and influence over the material world, Pluto’s position in Aquarius decentralizes the need for individual expression and places the importance on serving the group. The conflict arises between the self and the collective and where one stands within it.
On the mundane level, this can cause eruptions or sudden halts in real estate. Leo season swipes us through the 5, 6, and 7 of Wands in the Tarot. This sequence prepares us for the crash after the jubilant high of victory. After one has completed the duty and won the fight, what does one do to maintain the serotonin boost? Coming down after a triumphant win can be disconcerting to the ego, once the hoopla from the crowd is over, what else is there? Leo season teaches us all about process of balancing our creative needs vs that of the collective’s.
By the end of the week, the Moon moves into its last quarter phase in Taurus. The fixed square is one of the more dynamic ones as it ruffles the feathers of the sturdy and stern bull. The Sun is in fierce and austere Leo while the Moon is in delicate, and quiet Taurus. You may be able to piece together where the disconcerting energy lies between these two fixed signs. While the Sun in Leo wants to be seen in all of its glory, it rubs up against the Moon in Taurus’ need for comfort and peace causing an abrupt change in attitude. It is likely, especially with the last quarter moon, that outside circumstances such as coworkers, family, friends, partners, school, society etc. are the main cause of the trigger. What always remains is how we choose to show up and handle our business.
Chiron stations retrograde the day before the quarter moon at 23° 32’ Aries and remains retrograde for the rest of the year. Chiron’s stationary degree is significant because it helps to develop the personal story around how the healing journey is progressing, which informs the quarter moon discourse. Chiron retrograde rehashes, re-opens and re-heals old wounds yes, but not so drastically that it comes as a surprise, the retrograde phase lasts for 5 months and is a more subtle process than Uranus for instance. The most notable trait of Chiron retrograde is old healing modalities coming back into the fore.
By the end of the week, the Moon moves into its last quarter phase in Taurus. The fixed square is one of the more dynamic ones as it ruffles the feathers of the sturdy and stern bull. The Sun is in fierce and austere Leo while the Moon is in delicate, and quiet Taurus. You may be able to piece together where the disconcerting energy lies between these two fixed signs. While the Sun in Leo wants to be seen in all of its glory, it rubs up against the Moon in Taurus’ need for comfort and peace causing an abrupt change in attitude. It is likely, especially with the last quarter moon, that outside circumstances such as coworkers, family, friends, partners, school, society etc. are the main cause of the trigger. What always remains is how we choose to show up and handle our business.
Chiron stations retrograde the day before the quarter moon at 23° 32’ Aries and remains retrograde for the rest of the year. Chiron’s stationary degree is significant because it helps to develop the personal story around how the healing journey is progressing, which informs the quarter moon discourse. Chiron retrograde rehashes, re-opens and re-heals old wounds yes, but not so drastically that it comes as a surprise, the retrograde phase lasts for 5 months and is a more subtle process than Uranus for instance. The most notable trait of Chiron retrograde is old healing modalities coming back into the fore.
Monday 22nd
Hello Monday! The Sun has entered its home turf thus it is raining down confidence, bravery and generosity upon us through the Leo archetype. The Moon trine Jupiter emphasizes the celebratory mood but also opposes Venus, forcing us to choose between our own personal desires and that of our friends/partner. Feeling the call to do it alone, the need for validation usurps any cowardice that may be lingering in the background.
Moon trine Jupiter, opposite Venus, sextile Chiron. Sun > Leo at 12:44 am, opposite Pluto rx.
Tuesday 23rd
Today can trigger some important conversations or thoughts regarding friendship and how one communicates/comes off to their peer group. Right after the Moon enters gentle and sensitive Pisces, she makes a square to Mars, like an irritating rash, some antsy energy requires us to make adjustments in the way we establish boundaries in conversations.
Moon square Uranus, opposite Mercury, Moon > Pisces at 6:22 am, square Mars.
Wednesday 24th
The Moon is really going through it on her journey this week, with a square to Jupiter and conjunction to Saturn it can feel like whatever growth we expect is halted in some way. When the Moon squares Jupiter things can become more dramatic than we anticipated, any minor issue or emotional upset can seem like the end of the world. Try not to let Saturn’s influence dampen your mood and put you into a negative loop.
Moon square Jupiter, conjunct Saturn rx.
Thursday 25th
The energy releases so the tension isn’t as thick and Mercury is in its domain, Virgo which helps to identify the mishaps and details that went unnoticed previously. The Sun makes an easy flow aspect to Mars opening up the potent solar/masculine energy of fire which is needed to take directed action. Perceptions are opening up to new ways of perceiving past problems. Moon entering Aries today stimulating courage and blood flow.
Moon sextile Uranus, conjunct Neptune rx, Moon > Aries at 7:52 am, sextile Pluto rx, trine Sun, sextile Mars, conjunct NN, Mercury > Virgo at 3:41 pm, Sun sextile Mars.
Friday 26th
The Moon makes contact with Chiron in Aries right after Chiron stations retrograde creating a powerful combustion between the sensing and feeling nature of the Moon and the healing/wound opening energy of Chiron. We may find ourselves encompassed in themes around motherhood, fertility, women’s and feminine issues regarding independence and self-reliance.
Moon sextile Jupiter, trine Venus, Moon voc from 3:15 pm – 10:21 am (19H08M), conjunct Chiron rx. Chiron stations retrograde.
Saturday 27th
Taurus Moon slows us down to a grinding halt, after the Moon being void of course for almost a whole day, it feels good to have steady footing firmly planted into the earth. The last quarter Moon in Taurus comes right after a square with Pluto which brings all of our insecurities to the surface. Where we are within our friend groups, politically and socially comes through to establish a new set of foundations within. On a more simpler note, we also may want to just relax and not have to be responsible to others with wildly differing views. Either way, the internal dialogue is there.
Moon > Taurus at 10:22 am, square Pluto rx, trine Mercury, square Sun.
Sunday 28th
Today is a good day to get serious about personal health goals. When the Moon is square Venus, I don’t think many people feel very sexy but rather focus on what they would like to change about themselves to fulfill the human drive to be desired. One could either succumb to the mental feud around one’s own attractiveness or establish a firm boundary against participating in outdated and unhealthy forms of personal judgement.
Moon sextile Saturn rx, square Venus.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel