Mercury Enters Virgo

Mercury Enters Virgo
25th PST 15:42 / 26th AEST 8:42
On July 25/26, Mercury, planet of communication and intelligence, ingresses into Virgo, a sign where it is both in domicile AND exaltation! Now is a time for analysis, meticulous attention to detail, intellectual conversations and data processing. Well…in theory anyway. My teacher likes to use the phrase 'all things being equal.' As in, 'all things being equal, Mercury in Virgo helps us to get organized!' The rub is that things are hardly ever 'equal.' Studying interactions between planets is like watching a dance: no one is ever in the same spot the next time you check.
In this case, all the merits ascribed to Mercury in Virgo are counteracted by its impending retrograde. This transit’s strengths are poised to work against us; confidence in our knowledge and skills is subverted by missing information or embarrassing oversights. At this very moment, we’re proudly getting our ducks in a row, but soon enough we’ll see that our ducks have been in the wrong order and we were none the wiser!
Mercury retrograde begins on August 4/5 and Mercury will exit Virgo and backtrack into Leo on August 14/15. For the time being, we should simply seek to be extra mindful of what we say and how we say it. This is reasonable advice for a planetary placement that enjoys reason. In this terrain, we tend to lean heavily into the rational. We think we ARE already speaking carefully – and we are CERTAIN we can back up what we're talking about by citing our sources.
Yet in the coming weeks, that assurance will be turned on its head. Even if we have been diligent in our dialogues, we must prepare to question our logic and to re-examine what seems obvious. Most of all, we must steel ourselves for the most dreaded Mercury in Virgo task of all: apologizing when we are wrong.
In this case, all the merits ascribed to Mercury in Virgo are counteracted by its impending retrograde. This transit’s strengths are poised to work against us; confidence in our knowledge and skills is subverted by missing information or embarrassing oversights. At this very moment, we’re proudly getting our ducks in a row, but soon enough we’ll see that our ducks have been in the wrong order and we were none the wiser!
Mercury retrograde begins on August 4/5 and Mercury will exit Virgo and backtrack into Leo on August 14/15. For the time being, we should simply seek to be extra mindful of what we say and how we say it. This is reasonable advice for a planetary placement that enjoys reason. In this terrain, we tend to lean heavily into the rational. We think we ARE already speaking carefully – and we are CERTAIN we can back up what we're talking about by citing our sources.
Yet in the coming weeks, that assurance will be turned on its head. Even if we have been diligent in our dialogues, we must prepare to question our logic and to re-examine what seems obvious. Most of all, we must steel ourselves for the most dreaded Mercury in Virgo task of all: apologizing when we are wrong.
Written by Nyssa Grazda