Week Ahead Transits: 22 - 28 January
Week ahead transits 22–28 January
All times calculated for PDT: UTC -08:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = 1°46’ Aquarius – 8°53’ Aquarius
Moon = Gemini – Virgo
Monday 22nd
A lot of feels flow through today and not just because the Moon enters Cancer, but also because the Moon forms a T square with Neptune and Venus. We have big ideas and opinions of how love and relationships should function today and we may have differing ways of communicating that, making the energy feel heightened with a need to share our views. “Maybe if the other person just understood what I was thinking then we wouldn’t be in this dilemma” – says Neptune square Moon. Talking more about it and delineating the details won’t help to bring more clarity until the Moon shifts into Cancer when we can come more fully from a place of vulnerable connection rather than a data driven mode.
Moon square Neptune, opposite Venus, Moon > Cancer at 1:50 pm.
Tuesday 23rd
We have something to work towards in relationships and when that happens then we can begin taking the necessary steps towards a common goal. Venus points us to the steadfast sign Capricorn where she will remain until mid-February. She teaches us that in relationships of any kind, respect and dignity go a long way.
Wednesday 24th
If you do one crazy thing this week, let today be the day. The moon forms some fun aspects with Uranus, Neptune and Pluto and we are feeling a pull to function off of an animalistic logic which is spontaneous and activated. The Moon also shifts into Leo today and that beefs up the need to put forth a full frontal of our truest personality.
Moon square NN, sextile Uranus, trine Neptune, voc from 2:59 pm – 11:35 pm, Moon > Leo at 11:36 pm, opposite Pluto.
Thursday 25th
We are feeling the powers of Leo ring loud and clear and the pressure to take a leap of faith and jump bubbles up. We may be on a precipice of a big reveal and are getting in all of the traps of self-doubt. If you are moving in the wrong direction, there will be obvious push back, but if the Universe gives you the green light, there will be a bit of discomfort at the notion of being so raw but the doors will be open none the less. There is a lot of collective nit picking that only the truly confident ones would have to be so blind to the potential for judgement. Don’t let this energy hold you back though, we are meant to lean into the discomfort and learn for ourselves what makes us worthy of being seen.
Friday 26th
Uranus stations direct today. The effects of Uranus retrograde may be felt by some, but in general it will shift our awareness of the group in a new way. We may have different ways of connecting with friends, and new insights into how we like to connect with peers. The Moon goes void of course for an extended period of time just after a square to Uranus. This colors the theme for the day as the Moon has no tether other than the lingering Uranian way of sudden change and mix ups. There are a couple of other aspects that make for bumpy communication and general confusion so let today be just one of those days and make time to write out your thoughts in a journal to help corroborate your own perspectives.
Saturday 27th
We are relieved from the feeling of being watched when the Moon leaves Leo and enters Virgo. The ruler of Virgo gets tide up with Mars’ business and we learn of or hear of information that forces us to take a direction. A choice based off of information or new data presents itself to us today. This seems to be a good opportunity though, one that will require a little extra elbow grease and hard work on your end.
Sunday 28th
Mars and Mercury are the apex of two big astrological shapes; a grand trine and a T square. The force that our words and actions have today are far reaching and paramount to many other areas of our lives. See where 18° Capricorn is in your chart to see where the massive concentration of energy is being focused for you, where Mars and Mercury are, shows what immense changes are being made for the benefit of your reputation, future, and career.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel