Week Ahead Transits: 22 - 28 April

Week ahead transits 22 - 28 April
All times calculated for PST: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = 2° 38 Taurus – 9° 27’ Taurus
Moon = Libra - Capricorn
Monday 22nd
The moon is void of course most of the day after some dicey aspects to the NN, Mercury, Chiron and Venus. This could be a time of general confusion and unknown outcomes. There may be push back or arguments just due to there being a lot of missed connections and understandings. Best to leave all heavy conversations for after the 25th when Mercury goes direct.
Tuesday 23rd
The Full Moon hits today just after the Moon enters Scorpio and squares Pluto. Some intense emotions can surface due to Scorpio’s nature of capture and release. We may feel the need to take charge on our own healing journeys and be inclined to make sudden changes to what we can and cannot accept for our own comfort. Remember that sometimes the release of tension is much more satisfying than the buildup of holding on. Let it go.
Wednesday 24th
Finding stability today with the Moon linking up with Saturn in Pisces, things begin to formulate and make sense – which helps to ground the full moon energies which were let out yesterday. This can be a good time to coordinate, plan and organize your thoughts and feelings. Put your emotions into form and conceptualize them in a practical way through mind-body movement.
Thursday 25th
The last bit of Mercury confusion lays in on us today. Just before Mercury stations direct the Moon makes some oppositions with Uranus and Jupiter. The Moon brings up moods and feelings that have us wanting to make changes in our lives that help to usher in more cohesive relationships with our material things. We may get a ping to sell it all and start fresh just as the Moon enters freedom-loving Sagittarius. The desire to be weightless and unbound is strong.
Friday 26th
All roads are open with the Moon making a trine to the NN. We can access our higher calling, the greater plan for ourselves and feel a strong pull towards future plans. The Moon/mother/internal feminine is receptive to new ideas and opportunities, calling in a fresh perspective and activating new neuropathways.
Saturday 27th
Feeling like a pinball ricocheting between two paddles with all of the lunar aspects has us a bit wobbly. Today is great for creative imagination and activation of our aesthetic faculties and we may even feel pulled to want to focus more on what is easy and pleasurable rather than difficult and hard. Follow the path of least resistance but also don’t get tempted out on a stranded island.
Sunday 28th
We may be questioning reality today with the Moon square Neptune and Mars conjunct Neptune putting us in a state of emotional confusion. We may be picking up on things that are unspoken or unsaid that trigger a heightened response without realizing why or even knowing where it’s coming from. The sensitivities don’t end when the Moon ingresses into Capricorn either, the sensitivities actually becoming even more pronounced. We may be feeling quite on edge or testy throughout the day so take care to comfort your nervous system.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel