Mercury stations Direct

Mercury stations direct
25th PST 5:54 / 26th AEST 0:54
Awareness, perception and understanding all formulate through the guise of the mind which Mercury is said to govern. When Mercury shifts into its retrograde motion in the sky, it claims our mental energy in a new and unusual way. The perceptions that we traditionally would hold on any given topic are turned upside down, creating new awareness. Mercury in Aries broadens our understanding of the individuated self and has us seeking personal development through our behaviors and personal interests. While Mercury was retrograde in Aries over the last three weeks, our understanding and perception of self was going through a radical awakening.
Perhaps you were able to see yourself in a new light, a different light that you haven’t been privy to for quite some time. Or maybe you forced your awareness of who you thought you were into an uncomfortable situation, in order to challenge what you know about yourself. The last three weeks, while Mercury was retrograde in the fire sign Aries, pushed to the surface some new ways of seeing who we truly are in the world. Enjoy the new idea of ‘I’ and work to further develop the relationship with it. Build upon what has been explored and continue to push the boundary of self further into a greater unknown.
While Mercury was retrograding through the fire it was also synching with Chiron, activating the healed warrior within. A new, more brave self has emerged through the ashes and now that Mercury is direct, you can take that wisdom and enact it into your everyday life. A new idea of you has formed, there is a new story to tell which is inspiring and thought provoking. The new path has been laid out before us and it’s time to fearlessly ride into the future.
Written by Evelyn Zuel