Week Ahead Transits: 19 - 25 February

Week ahead transits 19 – 25 February
All times calculated for PDT: UTC -08:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = 0° 9’ Pisces – 7° 12’ Pisces
Moon = Cancer - Virgo
Monday 19th
There is a positive flow between the Moon and Saturn today, this helps us to understand the intricate nature of our emotional realms with acceptance. This space is ripe for healing wounds of all kinds but especially that major wound with mother, motherhood and the feminine. The cosmos is supporting us with foundational understanding of the inner subconscious landscape, enough for us to find a formidable issue becoming more soft and gentle in its expression. There will be many tools, understandings and information that come through today that will impact how you heal and nurture yourself in a positive way.
Tuesday 20th
The depth that important decisions have on us is felt strongly today. Knowing that a certain situation can no longer continue on as it has been going, we begin to feel into what it will be like to switch directions. With the Moon still in Cancer, we may be feeling a bit more touchy than normal. Dreams and nostalgic images may pop up in our brain spaces, activating visions of future creative ways of being.
Wednesday 21st
We’re busting out! The Moon is in Leo and she is in need of some attention, affection and devotional love. Venus and Mars make contact, forcing a new birth within the ways that we want to love and be loved by others. Mars and Venus in Aquarius are exploratory and wildly erotic in ways that push the limits to what is possible. This is a powerful day to manifest your deepest desires. This is also a time where we may see issues come up around gender and sexual identity.
Thursday 22nd
Sometimes we want things to grow faster than they are ready to. Today we may feel the frustrations around waiting for what we want and having to sit with the discomfort of not knowing or having exactly what we expect or need out of life. Change is always uncomfortable, but today there are some changes that disrupts our center or confidence. It’s okay, because whatever happens is always for the best in the long run even though it doesn’t seem like it right away. Mercury enters the watery world of Pisces so our mental states are opening up to channel!
Friday 23rd
Our nervous systems get a wakeup call today as the Moon enters Virgo and opposes Mercury within the same couple of hours. We are moving into the energies of the Full Moon tomorrow and so we may already be experiencing some of the themes around practicing care and self-compassion. We are also sensing where we are being overly critical or analytical about ourselves or about life in general.
Saturday 24th
The Full Moon today helps to release the pressures we feel around a certain vision, dream or idea that we may have been holding on to too tightly throughout our lives or more recently. There are shifts happening within our friendships and romantic relationships that center around graciousness, and values. Do you have the same values as you did ten years ago and if not then how are you able to implement those new values within your life through your relationships?
Sunday 25th
Today is a good day to do some deep cleaning, get rid of old items that you no longer use or need and clean out the medicine cabinet! The Moon makes a trine to Uranus and an opposition with Neptune, setting us up for a little spring, fall cleaning moment. It feels good to shake up the energy that has been feeling stale and stagnant. Use this day to refresh your life wherever you see fit.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel