Chiron conjunct North Node

Chiron Conjunct North Node
19th PST 13:12 / 20th AEDT 8:12
Chiron in Aries has been working to bring our attention to themes around independence, individuality and the Hero’s Journey for the last 6 years. The collective relationship to self has certainly been a topic in a world where so much emphasis is put on a way of life which glorifies independence. This way of existing, in this Aries model, is the antithesis of a healthy society. It was not a common thing for children at the age of 18 to immediately leave the family home and venture off into the vast expanse of the world. Traditionally people would stay at home unless they went off to college to help out with the maintenance of the home until they found a spouse to move into a house with and start their own family. In some cultures, the woman stays at home with the family and her husband moves in with her to take care of the clan. It is a very unique, western/modern way of life which is bred through capitalism to have to all have your own everything. Every single person must have their own car, phone, computer, television set and so on because our own singular interests are what drive this independence structure.
Chiron in Aries is showing us how this mentality has failed us and that hyper individualism is a byproduct of late stage capitalism by default. More and more people are disconnected from one another through devices which promote singular attention spans. It is known that depression is at an all-time high, fertility is down and the younger generations aren’t dating. Aries is the sign of the individual self, actualized into form. The nature of Aries is to exist, to be and to assert itself into the world. Aries is also a pioneer, the fool, the first idea that ignites the flames of the universe to manifest itself. The downfall of Aries which Chiron highlights is that of the almighty self. If you are the first to come up with an idea and get it off the ground, then you win, if you are the first to discover a new product idea then you win and it all belongs to you, this pioneering energy has been the MO for over a century but it is now quickly catching up to us and we can’t all be the pioneer.
What if there just isn’t anything left to discover? What if we accept our place and our roles within our family units and within society as a part of our identity? Could simply existing without the desire to become bigger, better, best be all some of us need to feel a sense of importance? The self-help, wellness fields which took off during Chiron in Aries have also contributed to the grandiosity of the self within society. The emphasis on self-development has of course helped many to find their voice, gain confidence, and a deeper understanding of who they are as people. However for some, the emphasis on self has merely born into being, a new form of narcissism where we now call other people simply walking down the street NPCs (Non Player Characters), which is a term used to describe people who are not influential in the main character’s story line.
It's a bizarre world, but the North Node and Chiron conjunction will hopefully open up some pathways towards healing the narcissistic individualism that runs rampant within society (especially online). When the two meet up, there will be a portal to finding the antidote which can heal the collective loneliness we all palpably feel and that antidote unsurprisingly resides in Libra’s rulership of Venus. The balance that we seek is within our relationships. And that is also the key to seeing how well your self-help regimen holds up. The real test is to be able to maintain and be in right relations with others, to see ourselves reflected back to us in the other, and to balance our own needs with the other regardless of their NPC status.
Written by Evelyn Zuel