Pisces Season

Astro-Themes & Insights
Pisces Season washes over us and with it comes an ocean in its current. This upcoming Pisces Season challenges us to find where we can be more flexible, as the Sun and Mercury will join hand-in-hand with Saturn. Like osmosis, Pisces flows between boundaries and barriers that once stood before it. It fills the cracks and softens hard edges. Ruled by both Jupiter and Neptune, it is expansive and dreamy by nature. Here we dive deep into unchartered waters and discover a world we never knew existed – the space where illusion and reality meet. Dreams become tangible, as nothing is too far out of reach if we truly believe in ourselves. Ground yourself in your beliefs and don't limit what is possible.
While the Sun travels through creative and empathetic Pisces, we turn our attention to the themes of Transcendence and Intuition. Poetry and art come to life in the vibrant energy of this Mutable Water sign. As we experience Saturn’s moves through Pisces this season, we will welcome grounding in our hopes, dreams and inner magic. Our subconscious is awakened and flows from us like an eternal fountain.

1. Intuitive Poetry Writing
Use your Magic Of I. Journal or any journal you have. Spend a few minutes in meditation or focusing on something important to you. Write down the first few words you feel or see in your mind's eye. Then slowly craft a simple poem using those words. Try not to overthink it. Let the words flow naturally.
2. Color Your World
Take time to doodle, draw, create! Either use the March outline drawing at the start of the Month in your planner or take a pencil to blank paper and draw whatever comes to mind. But don't stop there. Color in the images and craft your own work of art.
3. Mindful Messaging
Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces and it is connected to Thursday. Every Thursday, take time to either meditate, draw, write or take a bath. Then record your intuitive thoughts and understandings under that Thursday in the planner, a journal, or even in your Notes App in your phone.
4. Dream and Sleep Hygiene
Honor your dream world and sleep schedule. Try to limit phone use to 30-45 minutes before bed. Make a sleepy-time tea to promote relaxation and spray a little lavender on your sheets. This will help you prep for bed and tune into the messages from your subconscious. If you can remember when you wake up, try to record your dreams or the images that came to you while you slept.
We hold all of the magic and knowledge we need in our innermost sanctums. By travelling through the river of our dreams, we can move through the untapped potential that flows endlessly in our entire beings. This river leads up into an ocean that holds us close and reminds us to ebb and flow in life. We incubated and nourished softly in the quiet realm of our creative waters.
Read more about the Sun’s transit through Pisces here.

The Moon's Movements
FEB 24 4:30AM PST / FEB 24 1:30PM CET / FEB 24 11:30PM AEDT
Illumination: I easily determine what is & is not my responsibility in any given relationship
MAR 10 1:00AM PST / MAR 10 10:00AM CET / MAR 10 8:00PM AEDT
Reflection: When I sit silently with my higher self, I discover an untapped world of inspiration
MAR 25 12:12AM PST / MAR 25 8:12AM CET / MAR 25 6:12PM AEDT
Illumination: I release all seeds of doubt in my relationships, this helps me to make the best decisions for my wellbeing
Pisces' Medicinal Mushroom & Botanicals
Psilocybe (Cubensis)
Main Modern Use:
Psychotherapy, therapeutic healing, alternative treatment for depression, anxiety, and end of life, mystical experiences, deeper spiritual connection.
NEPTUNE - Governs dissolution, merging, calming, oneness, pineal gland function, endorphins, cerebrospinal fluid.
PISCES - Quantum physics, dreaming, euphoria, ethereal realms, spiritual connection, and creativity are just some Pisces' world. Pisces rules the feet, toes, heels, blood (with Mars, Moon, Aquarius), lymphatic system, immune system, duodenum (with Virgo).
Pairing Notes:
Opening gateways. Neptune governs the pineal gland / third eye, oneness, the ineffable and the undefinable. Pisces as a mutable water sign rules other realms, emotional, spiritual, and energetic bodies. This shroom can also be paired with Gemini (rules mind; thinking, communicating), Sagittarius (rules expansion, seeking, learning, beliefs), Aquarius (rules big picture thinking, futurist).
Mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris), Poppy (Papaver Rhoeas) and Hoya (Hoya Carnosa). Ruled by Neptune & Pisces, these botanicals accompany you for strengthening intuition, dream work, calmness and creativity.
Dive deeper into Pisces' Medicinal Mushroom Psilocybe here.