Week Ahead Transits: 19 - 25 August

Week ahead transits 19 - 25 August
All times calculated for PST: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = Leo 26° 47’ – Virgo 3° 32’
Moon = Aquarius – Gemini
The change of the season is palpable along with the changing of the times. Uranus’ influence on the Full Moon in Aquarius at 27°15’ is massively impactful, but it is just the tip of the iceberg. With all the other strong planetary energies at play, this starts the week out with a big bang. Sun + Moon square Uranus, Jupiter + Mars square Saturn, Venus opposite Saturn and square Mars + Jupiter. Ultimately, we have two T squares getting triggered during a Full Moon. When the energy is heightened with multiple different tense energies playing off one another such as two separate T squares or multiple oppositions, this indicates a potent opportunity for progress, evolution and manifestation – but it is a roller coaster to say the least. Leading up to the solar opposition, the Moon makes stressful aspects to Mercury, which is still retrograde and square Uranus, phenomenal and unexpected news and information comes out to light. With the Sun illuminating our nocturnal deity through Leo/Aquarius, leaders, the collective and unexpected twists and turns within our alliances.
The shift can be most dramatically felt among our network of friends, coworkers, peers, siblings and acquaintances of all kinds directed at the more obvious differences in personal beliefs and opinions. Allegiances, agreements, treaties and settlements have been going through a reevaluation period ever since Saturn has shifted retrograde, showing up in the T square between Venus and Mars + Jupiter. All of the questions and positing around current social standings with friends and acquaintances come into clear view and any issues or problems that have been lingering below the surface are ready to be reworked.
The Sun ingresses into Virgo, tidying up after the height of Leo season. After the fun it’s time to get back to work and figure out the details and after that Full Moon tidal wave, the fastidious energy to clean up the mess through Virgo is welcome. The Moon travels through the signs Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and the very beginning of Gemini throughout the week. This transit activates a strong pull towards harnessing one’s personal conviction and world view. The changing of the tides from fiery and fun-finding Leo to tenacious Virgo sets us up for a different mindset moving forward, which is to begin discerning what in our life needs to finally get taken care of.
Monday 19th
What is there to say? Today is a mess. Both benefics are at odds with the great malefic Saturn, which is retrograde and trying to go back on its previous agreements. The conflict arises between whose ideals and personal beliefs will take precedence, a block in true empathy doesn’t allow for quiet rebuttals. Uranus’ influence forces a necessary change which is so strong it is felt in the collective. Group dynamics are changing and alliances are evolving.
Moon sextile Chiron rx, opposite Mercury rx, square Uranus, Full Moon at 11:25 am PDT, Moon > Pisces at 3:51 pm PDT, Venus opposite Saturn rx, Jupiter square Saturn rx, Sun square Uranus.
Tuesday 20th
Today we are really able to feel and process what the Full Moon erupted in us. The Moon moves into a conjunction with Saturn, which is crystalizing the lessons that the moon in Aquarius brought with it yesterday. To understand is to feel something on a deep level, something that you felt you already knew but didn’t know how. The power of words helps to identify what it is that we are experiencing. The Piscean Moon revels in the opportunity to make real what once only existed in the imagination.
Moon conjunct Saturn, square Jupiter, opposite Venus.
Wednesday 21st
Inspiration and motivation to make small but mighty changes influences the remainder of the Piscean Moon’s flow before shifting into fueled Aries. We may be taken by surprised at how quick we can move once the fire is lit and the iron is hot. It might be hard to know exactly which direction we need to move in or how it will look to others with the Moon conjunct Neptune and inconjunct the Sun in Leo – but there is an instinctual driver in the car and any step forward is a bountiful leap.
Moon square Mars, sextile Uranus, conjunct Neptune rx, Moon > Aries at 4:01 pm PDT, sextile Pluto rx.
Thursday 22nd
It’s time to get down to brass tacks and rid ourselves of the fluff and drama that ensued throughout Leo season because Virgo season is fully on! With the Moon fueling all of that productive drive that the Sun in Virgo is bringing, we can tear through walls and burn through insecurities. Venus and Mars square one another, generating an internal need for perfection, which then conquests as external judgement.
Moon conjunct NN, sextile Jupiter, Sun > Virgo, Venus square Mars.
Friday 23rd
Finally a moment to slow down and assimilate the previous days. The Moon enters leisurely Taurus after a long bout of being void of course, lost hours are found, this is music to the ears of those who need overdue rest. Mercury’s dexterous mobility and ingenious problem solving skills come in handy with the opportunity to heal any egoic wounds that may have become known during the full moon. Keep a pen and notebook handy! The ideas and wisdom that pour through aid in your healing journey.
Moon sextile Mars, trine Mercury rx, voc for 11h 16min, conjunct Chiron rx, Moon > Taurus at 5pm PDT, square Pluto rx, trine Sun, Mercury rx trine Chiron rx, Mars sextile Mercury rx.
Saturday 24th
There is joy in sprucing up the home with items and mementos that reflect influential experiences that were pertinent to growth. A commemorative kind of energy, the Moon in Taurus seeks comfort and stability while Saturn in Pisces supports healing and soul development. Focus on activities that nurture and feed the spirit.
Moon sextile Saturn rx, Mars sextile Chiron rx.
Sunday 25th
A bit of chaos ensues as the Moon in Taurus meets up with Uranus for its monthly shock treatment. The last quarter Moon is right around the corner and the diplomatic energy can already be felt creeping in. Virgo Sun with the Moon in Gemini can be an anxious combination, a lot of mental energy gets stored up and if not released wreaks havoc on the nervous system. The way to calm an irrational mind finds itself in our instinctual responses today, the Moon trine Venus helps to offer a cool and practical approach.
Moon square Mercury rx, trine Venus, conjunct Uranus, sextile Neptune rx, Moon > Gemini at 8:03 pm PDT, trine Pluto rx.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel