Sun Enters Virgo

Sun Enters Virgo
22nd PST 7:55 / 23rd AEST 0:55
As the sun enters Virgo, our attention shifts to the minutiae. This month, which anciently corresponded to the harvest season, encourages us to conduct a personal inventory. What preparation must be done to get us through the months ahead? What business needs finishing? How could we be better organized or use our resources more methodically?
The catch? As the sun exits its domicile, it will have another planet to answer to. That planet is Mercury – and Mercury is still retrograde. Mutual reception won’t exactly clear the air here.
Now, thankfully, we have less than a week to wait before our cosmic herald goes direct. But maybe pause until August 28/29 before laying grand plans that demand strict adherence to detail. The sun defers to Mercury in Leo until it enters Virgo on September 9, at which point Virgo season should start to FEEL like Virgo season.
The sun will also spend a few days (between September 7 and September 12) interacting with the ongoing Jupiter-Saturn square, guiding us to believe in our good fortune, even if abundance isn’t materializing in our lives on schedule. Keeping the faith is key now! You have what you need to overcome a limiting situation, but it will likely require some MacGyvering. Expect other people (especially those in positions of authority) to have less patience as well. It's our job to define appropriate boundaries and continue to persevere despite criticism. Focus on proving yourself TO yourself. Others will eventually come to their senses and scramble to get back in your good graces (potentially during the sun’s trine with Uranus on September 19). At that point, it will be YOUR call whether you want to suffer fools!
Written by Nyssa Grazda