Mars Conjunct Jupiter

Mars Conjunct Jupiter
14th 8:21 PST / 15th 13:21 AEST
The Mars-Jupiter conjunction falls on 16°40’ Gemini, where the fixed star Rigel (Orion’s foot) sits. This fixed star is associated with technological inventiveness and artistic abilities. Mars in Gemini is extremely agile, flexible, sneaky and loves the art of debate, when Mars comingles with Jupiter in the mutable air sign, an eruption of opinions comes flying from every direction. With Mars' influence, there may be a tendency towards haste or aggression, while Jupiter's expansiveness could lead to overconfidence and exaggeration. The truth is easy to bend when there isn’t enough time before a decision is to be made and it is easy to make the wrong decisions when rushed and flustered. Religious extremism is ever present across the globe, and the Mars-Jupiter combo can inflame the tensions and give holy crusaders a whole new rallying cry.
The Mars-Jupiter conjunction is a part of a grand square with Venus in (fall) Virgo, Saturn Rx in Pisces, and the Moon in Sagittarius. This intricate interplay between Venus, the planet of love, values in analytical Virgo and the dynamic duo of Mars and Jupiter in intellectual Gemini, introduces a contrasting energy that influences the collective to listen, learn and understand the nuances within political and religious arguments. Venus in Virgo brings a focus on practicality, attention to detail and a desire for order and efficiency. It may challenge us to find a middle ground between caution and boldness, routine and innovation, tradition and progress. Opposing Venus in Virgo, Saturn in Pisces may create tension between the desire for practicality and order and the need for a spiritual laws. Saturn, the taskmaster of the zodiac, urges us to confront our limitations, face our responsibilities and build a solid foundation for growth and success. In Pisces, the sign of compassion, spirituality, and imagination, Saturn's influence may call for a deep dive into our subconscious, challenging us to address unresolved emotional issues, karmic patterns and spiritual growth. Saturn’s square to Mars-Jupiter forces the karmic laws to rain down and cleanse any deceit or lies that had been sold as a good and quick opportunity.
When planets in mutable signs form a square, the tension is often around change, flexibility and adapting to new circumstances. The mutable square can lead to scattered energy or difficulty in making firm decisions because the signs involved are inherently adaptable and may struggle with stability. This aspect can manifest as a period of confusion, uncertainty or indecision, but it also holds the potential for growth through adaptability and learning to navigate change. Collectively we are watching the propaganda mill in real time, as it unfolds. We are becoming more and more aware of how information and knowledge is used as a catalyst for social upheaval. This grand square, activated by Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and the Moon is alerting us to be agile and mentally equipped to change directions at a drop of hat along with a keen discernment for the difference between an ‘opinion’ and a ‘fact’.
Written by Evelyn Zuel