Week Ahead Transits 17 - 23 March

Week ahead transits 17 - 23 March
All times calculated for PST: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = Pisces 26° 55’ – Aries 3° 53’
Moon = Libra – Capricorn
Happy Astrological New Year! The equinox is on the 20th and the Sun enters Aries, blazing a trail to new beginnings and fresh starts. In the northern hemisphere this marks the beginning of Spring, while in the southern hemisphere we welcome Autumn. But wherever you are on the globe, Aries season marks the time when we start to process the projects and paths that we are embarking on. The Sun meets with quite a few characters along the way this week, with a conjunction to Neptune, the North Node (NN) and Venus, along with a sextile to Pluto. These aspects are the main show stoppers and influence a lot of how we are navigating the sense of self and revelations that come along the way. First, the Sun meets with the NN on Monday, this is a continuation of the total Lunar Eclipse from last week and can be seen as an end cap to the eclipse themes that came up throughout the last few days.
When the Sun meets with the NN of the Moon, a concise and profound sense of clarity comes into view regarding the motivating factors for our future. The Sun meets with the NN every year and this helps to reorient how we are to continue showing up for ourselves in our life purpose. This NN conjunction is a spiritual one and will illuminate a spark of inspiration to come back into alignment with divinity. There may be synchronicities that conspire more magic into the fore of our consciousness, this elicits a profound awareness of how the energy of 'hope' and 'faith' can be the single most important factors in continuing on the path, which then motivates us to seek out mystical experiences.
The Sun conjuncts Neptune this week along with Venus retrograde, opening up parts of our hearts that had been shut down due to pain, suffering and betrayal. Neptune’s healing effect washes away any remaining sadness of a broken heart and repairs the wound with a greater purpose of conviction to love even more deeply than before. Sometimes, for something to heal, it has to become completely and utterly broken or else the sickness is merely masked by distraction and avoidance.
When the Sun’s light blasts a planet, it becomes invisible for a moment in time, which means that it is imperceivable. It is in the void of the light and through that it becomes infused with solar consciousness. While both Venus and Neptune are being transmuted through the Sun this week, we will have to learn how to find that from within ourselves and through the absence of external expressions of mysticism and love, can we expect to pull that from within our own souls? We have to make a concerted effort to live in love and to live in a realm of magic and that requires faith in the cosmic process.
When the Sun meets with the NN of the Moon, a concise and profound sense of clarity comes into view regarding the motivating factors for our future. The Sun meets with the NN every year and this helps to reorient how we are to continue showing up for ourselves in our life purpose. This NN conjunction is a spiritual one and will illuminate a spark of inspiration to come back into alignment with divinity. There may be synchronicities that conspire more magic into the fore of our consciousness, this elicits a profound awareness of how the energy of 'hope' and 'faith' can be the single most important factors in continuing on the path, which then motivates us to seek out mystical experiences.
The Sun conjuncts Neptune this week along with Venus retrograde, opening up parts of our hearts that had been shut down due to pain, suffering and betrayal. Neptune’s healing effect washes away any remaining sadness of a broken heart and repairs the wound with a greater purpose of conviction to love even more deeply than before. Sometimes, for something to heal, it has to become completely and utterly broken or else the sickness is merely masked by distraction and avoidance.
When the Sun’s light blasts a planet, it becomes invisible for a moment in time, which means that it is imperceivable. It is in the void of the light and through that it becomes infused with solar consciousness. While both Venus and Neptune are being transmuted through the Sun this week, we will have to learn how to find that from within ourselves and through the absence of external expressions of mysticism and love, can we expect to pull that from within our own souls? We have to make a concerted effort to live in love and to live in a realm of magic and that requires faith in the cosmic process.
Monday 17th
A deep intuitive knowing hits us hard with the Moon entering Scorpio at the top of the hour, then moving into a square with Pluto. A sudden awareness rumbles from the depths of the sternum and the pathway becomes clear. The Sun meets with the NN of the Moon, striking a chord that reverberates a song that speaks to our divine mission. A sense of purpose comes into view and the sights are set with the precision of the Scorpio Moon. Levity isn’t the key player today but brevity certainly is.
Moon > Scorpio at 12:30 am, square Pluto, Sun conjunct NN.
Tuesday 18th
The energies of yesterday flow into today with added support from Mars and Saturn affirming the need to make direct moves towards the future that we envision for ourselves. The full picture has been drawn from the Full Moon Eclipse last week and the execution is now at hand. The Moon is flowing with the well-defined structure that Saturn provides along with ambitious motivation from Mars. Go out and get what you desire and transform intensity into longevity.
Moon trine Mars, trine Saturn.
Wednesday 19th
Going against the odds and proving oneself to the status quo that we can be authentically true and radically accept who we are even if it goes against the grain, inadvertently offers that which we crave for ourselves to the collective unconscious. The Moon enters Sagittarius after making a slew of potent aspects to Uranus, the NN, the Sun and Neptune firing up the radical bits within that can no longer stay silent and complacent. The Sun conjuncts with Neptune which colors our view of the world with a foggy dreamlike state. Idealism is at its highest form throughout the day and pipe dreams are within reach. It’s just up to you to decide how confidently you want to project your likeness into the world.
Moon opposite Uranus, trine NN, trine Sun, trine Neptune, Moon > Sagittarius at 1:16pm, sextile Pluto, trine Venus rx, Sun conjunct Neptune.
Thursday 20th
Happy Equinox! The Sun enters Aries and we have officially started the astrological new year. Get ready to dust off those dumbbells, the treadmill and any other sporting equipment that has been collecting a layer of judgement and shame because the pits of passion are ignited and we are amped to move our bodies. The Moon in Sagittarius has us feeling quite antsy to push ourselves into the next iteration and grow beyond the limits of what our human nature has dictated thus far. It’s time to challenge yourself!
Moon trine Mercury rx, opposite Jupiter, Sun > Aries.
Friday 21st
Ok so maybe all of that amped-up energy from the Aries Sun ingress got to us a bit because today triggers a need from the Moon to rest and recuperate our energy levels. Moon trine Chiron offers moments of reprieve from the chaos of the world while the square to Saturn, NN and Neptune have us sitting back to reassess how exactly we are to heal and animate the desires from within. Venus sextile Pluto puts us in front of new types of people and relationships that help to broaden the perspective of what we truly want in a friendship/relationship.
Moon trine Chiron, square Saturn, square NN, square Neptune, Venus rx sextile Pluto.
Saturday 22nd
Moon enters Capricorn today and it’s not the time to crack a joke as it might go over terribly wrong. The energy is serious, stoic and reserved. The Moon finds herself in a tough position with Venus, Mercury and the Sun pitting us against the dreams and ideals that we had earlier in the week. The other shoe drops and it’s time to think more critically. We may take things the wrong way, too personally or without empathy as Venus is conjunct the Sun and her harmonious way of balance is nowhere to be seen. Set intentions for self-love and personal desires to manifest as the Venus/Sun conjunction is a prime time to plant the seeds of manifestation.
Moon > Capricorn at 12:28 am, square Sun, square Venus, square Mercury, Sun conjunct Venus rx.
Sunday 23rd
The desire to unhinge one’s mind from the practical space of existence certainly sneaks up from time to time. Bravery becomes us and feeds the soul. The Sun sextiles Pluto ushering a mini ego death moment that can cause slight insecurity. If we remain humble to the notion that we don’t, in fact, know everything all the time all at once, then we can move through Pluto’s transformative death cycle with ease. We may be ready to let go of a behavior, action, passion or personal identity today and that is something to be celebrated not grieved.
Moon opposite Mars, square Chiron, sextile Saturn, trine Uranus, Sun sextile Pluto.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel