Mercury Stations Retrograde

Mercury Stations Retrograde
14th PDT 11:46 PM / 15th AEDT 5:46 PM
Mercury stations retrograde on Aries’ 9th degree and will spend the next three weeks retracing its steps, ingressing back into Pisces in the process.
Mercury, Venus and Mars are known as 'personal planets' because their quick orbits foster diversity within the natal chart. The positions of these planets and the aspects that they create inform how we express ourselves and relate to others.
The start of 2025 was dominated by Mars’ seemingly never-ending retrograde. When the warrior planet finally went direct, we had the briefest of moments – a short five-day span – before Venus began its retrograde. Now Mercury has joined the retrograde party. Does it seem as though your year has not truly begun? Like you are in a limbo-like state characterized by false starts? You are not alone.
Part of the magic (and the menace) of the personal planets is that their retrogrades reflect that singular frustration: it feels personal! Moreover, Aries is a sign where planets desire immediate results. Considering our lack of progress in recent months, Mercury Rx in Aries just adds to the sensation that we are falling woefully behind.
It seems counterintuitive, but just because the world is moving a mile a minute, doesn’t mean YOU must be. Rush the conversation and it will backfire. Try to match pace with the news cycle and you’ll certainly be more anxious, but not necessarily better informed. There is much that is vying for your attention right now, but by slowing down and making deliberate choices, you get to choose what people or ideas DESERVE it. Take heart that delays and miscalculations that arise in the coming days are here to sharpen your intellectual reflexes, not to stifle your agency.
Written by Nyssa Grazda
Photo by Emelie Mihalca