Week Ahead Transits: 15 - 21 January

Week ahead transits 15–21 January
All times calculated for PDT: UTC -08:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = 24°38’ Capricorn – 1°46’ Aquarius
Moon = Pisces – Gemini
Big transit alert!
Pluto enters Aquarius on the same day the Sun enters Aquarius and the Moon enters Gemini! All week we feel the building of tension between the Sun and Pluto as they move closer to contact slowly each day. Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius is a long, slow process that not all will feel immediately besides those who have strong Pluto placements in their charts i.e. Scorpio rising, Pluto in 1st house, Sun/Moon/Mercury exact aspects to Pluto. Pluto will remain in Aquarius until the end of August then retrograde back into Capricorn until mid-November. From now until August we get a sneak peek at how the collective will evolve over the next 20 years as this behemoth of a planet meticulously reveals every shadow aspect of group dynamics and technological innovation. Besides the shadowy parts of Pluto, through the death and rebirth process, we gain greater clarity and understanding of our place within the collective and how we individually make up the greater of the whole. It is going to be a wild ride with regards to how our social lives will change, but with the hopes that it will evolve our understanding and importance of close community.
As mentioned, the Sun enters Aquarius which shifts our general focus from future-oriented Capricorn to industrious Aquarius. We begin to search for connections outside of ourselves and build stronger bonds with those that we identify with. Our relationship to the social networks goes through an awakening with the new and full Moons this Astro-season. Aquarius connects us to the 5, 6, and 7 of swords which teach us about honest communication, and keeping integrity and composure through difficult circumstances.
We have a quarter Moon in Aries on the 17th/18th, this is the first quarter Moon just after the New Moon in Capricorn. Quarter Moons bring about either internal or external tests (depending on the phase) which help to materialize or actualize something in our lives. This quarter Moon in Aries, at the final degrees of the cardinal signs, will undoubtedly force us to acknowledge where we personally need to make the changes in our lives in order to reap the rewards that Capricorn seeks. The necessary steps to access the goals that you have made for yourself will make themselves very clear during the first quarter moon phase. Since Aries is all about the individual and the independent person outside the collective, it will be imperative that that all focus is directed towards the self.
Monday 15th
Focus on the true expression of dignity today. The Sun and Moon make a direct connection with Neptune between Pisces and Capricorn and beyond just the basic aspects of an etheric journey, there comes a focus on the grand image. The horizon is extended into farther distances. It is more difficult to see what is right in front of us however, the simpler solution just seems outrageous.
Moon sextile Uranus rx, square Venus, sextile Sun, conjunct Neptune, sextile Pluto, Moon > Aries at 8:48pm. Sun Sextile Neptune.
Tuesday 16th
There is a burst of energy that works through us today and this would be a good time to force anything off the ground that we have been waiting to push forward. The Moon in Aries squares Mars in Capricorn, we feel the pressure building from within to take charge of and manage our responsibilities. The fire is ignited within and the desire to work through the nitty gritty exceeds any lazy tendencies.
Moon square Mercury, square Mars, conjunct Chiron.
Wednesday 17th
We are doubly charged by the Moon in Aries and the moon making a trine to Venus, the planet of love and relations. The passion is ignited and we are feeling the call to take on the world. Anything seems possible with the notion that who we are is being received by another. Today we take initiatives towards the future and procuring more positive bonds with others romantic or platonic.
Moon conjunct NN, trine Venus, square Sun.
Thursday 18th
All of the areas in life where we feel like we are lacking come to surface today. The Moon meets with Pluto to reflect the shadow. We feel a sense of insatiability, wanting more of something that we know we shouldn’t have. This is a day to combat any addictive behaviors and identify when you more readily give in to the carnal needs of the human form. It’s not all shame and guilt however, for some of you this will be an opportunity to activate your ability to receive pleasure. Either way, we are being directed to observe our physical needs and wants.
Moon square Pluto, Moon > Taurus at 12:11 am, sextile Saturn, trine Mercury, conjunct Jupiter, trine Mars Mercury sextile Saturn.
Friday 19th
The reality of a relationship dynamic becomes apparent today with Venus making a difficult aspect to Neptune, shining a light on where we have had blinders on for the sake of turning the other cheek. It is a great learning opportunity, and what we are able to objectively observe will no doubt elevate our awareness of self. The topic of religious vs spirituality or belief vs faith opens up throughout the day.
Moon conjunct Uranus rx, sextile Neptune. Mercury trine Jupiter, Venus square Neptune.
Saturday 20th
It’s a busy day in the cosmos! The Moon, Sun and Pluto all ingress into air signs throughout the day, but this brings about a refreshing energy that flows through the collective. The lightness of the air element can be felt as we open our minds and perspectives to alternative ways of being that we may have been blocking ourselves off from. Pluto’s energy is like a long, low hum that only shifts slightly over an extended period of time, so not everyone will feel its transition, but overall we will notice our own criticisms on the collective grow.
Moon trine Pluto, trine Sun, Moon -> Gemini at 5:57 am, square Saturn, Sun conjunct Pluto, Sun -> Aquarius at 6:07 am, Pluto > Aquarius at 4:40 pm.
Sunday 21st
A bit of a quieter day today with the Moon making two aspects to just Chiron and the North Node, we get a bit of a cool down after the chaos of the day before. This is the day when we are able to evaluate the situation and make sense of the debris that lays around us. There is a way forward and a clear path that is laid out through the North Node and we can utilize the Moon’s communication skills in Gemini to stay curious and open to new thoughts and ideas.
Moon sextile Chiron, sextile NN.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel