2024 Synopsis and Overview
Welcome to the new Gregorian calendar year of 2024. This is an 8 year which promises to show where our inherent strengths lie and how we show up for ourselves through difficulties. Astrologically speaking, this year is certainly less dramatic than previous years which will be a nice reprieve from many of the huge transits we have been under the influence of throughout the last four years. Like every year we have a Jupiter ingress along with our pair of eclipses, but one unique part of 2024, which you will be hearing more about is the Pluto transit which shifts into Aquarius indefinitely by the end of the year. Pluto has been causing a lot of the major changes we are seeing in government bodies across the globe as its position in Capricorn correlates with the United States’ first ever Pluto Return. Many countries have seen multiple Pluto Returns and in essence are more experienced in the ways of political potency but being such a young country, the US has now reached its years of adolescence. We’ve all been there before, it’s a phase in life when we are in the throes of our raging hormones, emotions are unpredictable; our sense of self and identity is being developed and we are never really sure who we are or what we feel but it is a beautiful time of strong ideological conviction, and self-exploration. The planet of deep change and psychological evolution fishes through the remnants of Capricorn to filter out any remaining toxicity. Pluto teaches us that poison can also be the antidote when administered under just the right conditions and sometimes we need to taste the bitterness of life in order to appreciate the goodness in it.
This year, even more corporate corruption will be exposed and we will begin to see the power dynamics of the world begin to shift from the few to the many. The Aquarian age is surely upon us and we are just beginning to witness the power and impact that the people can have on government. So long as humanity can put some of our ideological differences aside and work towards a larger, common goal, the next 20 years will be an enthralling and impressive time of radical collective change.
Jupiter enters Gemini on May 25th (PST) and 24th (AEDT) and Jupiter remains in Gemini until June of 2025. Jupiter’s relationship with Gemini is not so straight forward, Gemini being the sign of Jupiter’s detriment, there is a complicated relationship between general belief systems, opinions, and facts. There is oftentimes a blending of them all out of Gemini’s immediate excitement to share and express new information without much consideration regarding the responsibility one has to that information. It is a very much freedom of information act kind of year for all and everyone will feel much more entitled to their soap box. Throughout the time of Jupiter in Gemini, be keenly aware of the information you receive but most importantly, where it is coming from. Gemini is like the telephone, it doesn’t actually identify with the information that goes through it, it is merely a tool to allow the communication to flow and Jupiter works to expand the sign that it is in. This will be a big year for social media. If you think that our ability to communicate with everyone in the world is at its peak now, just wait until the end of this Jupiter cycle. The expansion of social media will be even more far reaching than we imagined it could be especially with Pluto’s influence making a trine to Jupiter as it ingresses into the air triplicity.
On April 20th Jupiter conjuncts Uranus in Taurus and this may be one of the bigger aspects besides the eclipses and Pluto’s transit to hit us this year and with Jupiter being the great benefic of the sky, this is a welcome turn of events.
The Eclipses
The two key eclipses to look out for with the most impact is the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries in April and the Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra in October, both new moons. The other eclipses are partial and just out of orb with the north and south nodes to be considered a full on eclipse in Astrological speak. The Aries Eclipse hits on April 8th (PST)/7th (AEDT) and will further emphasize the year’s numerology. Power, force, will, and fight are the hallmark themes that are associated with Aries. The New Moon in Aries pushes us out of our comfort zones and into a new era of self-advocacy. We have to be our own code enforcers for if we aren’t sticking up for ourselves and fighting for our independence then who will? Aries doesn’t wait for permission or validation from anyone and takes it upon themselves to push through difficult circumstances even if they are the only ones standing. The New Moon Eclipse in Libra however sings to a much different tune, Libra will promote the opposite, which is that in order for one person to have the right to their own freedom then we all must have access to it as well. What we work to initiate for ourselves during the NM in Aries will come back to prove itself as beneficial for many others as well. If you feel like you are the only one on your path at the beginning of the year, just wait until the second eclipse cycle when the lessons of collaboration and relationships becomes priority over self-preservation.
There is something about the partial lunar eclipse in September that is noteworthy however, it will be our first official eclipse in the Pisces/Virgo axis, giving us a sneak peek into the next eclipse cycles for 2025. The north and south nodes will still be in Aries/Libra until mid-January of 2025 but the September Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces ushers in a bounty of healing that we will get to fully open up to in the following year.
Key Astrological Moments of 2024
Dates = PST/AEDT
25th March Penumbral Lunar Eclipse at 5°7’ Libra
8th/7th April Total Solar Eclipse at 19°24’ Aries
17th/16th September Partial Lunar Eclipse at 25° 40’ Pisces
2nd/1st October Annular Eclipse at 10°03’ Libra
January 20th/19th Pluto > Aquarius
May 25th Jupiter > Gemini
Mercury rx in Aries April 1st, Virgo on August 4th, and Sagittarius November 25th
Mars rx in Leo December 6th
Jupiter rx in Gemini October 9th
Saturn rx in Pisces June 29th
Uranus rx in Taurus September 1st
Neptune rx in Pisces July 2nd
Pluto rx in Aquarius May 2nd
Written by Evelyn Zuel